Than pour the garlic in the spring, so as not to yell?

Garlic, a favorite spice of our housewives, is easy to grow and not troublesome. However, experienced truck farmers periodically encounter in spring with the phenomenon of yellowing of feathers of a crop, which, of course, can not but cause concern. But we will give some advice and tell you what to pour the garlic in the spring, so as not to yell.

We are introducing fertilizers

A fairly frequent reason for yellowing plant feathers in spring is the lack of nitrogen in the soil, especially for winter varieties that are planted in November-December. And usually such fertilizer is not brought in autumn, since it is washed out from the soil till spring. Therefore, if you have a task before you pour, if winter garlic turns yellow, a good solution is to feed the nitrogenous fertilizer or humus, diluted in water.

Stimulate garlic

Another reason for the yellowing of the plant may be the freezing of beds in early spring during frosts. In this case, thinking about how to pour the garlic so that the pen does not turn yellow, apply one of the popular growth stimulants, for example, Zircon, Heteroauxin, Epin. The agent must be diluted in water according to the instructions. Garlic is sprayed or sprinkled with the resulting solution.

Treat the garlic

In some cases, a variety of diseases and pests can cause the yellowness that appears on the feathers of a crop. In the first case, to make garlic not yellow, you can pour the beds with salt, or rather the brine, which is known to be an antiseptic. 10 liters of water take 1 glass of salt and stir well. In addition, quite often experienced gardeners use an infusion of ash, which is prepared from a bucket of boiling water and 1 kg of the substance. It persists for three days and then is used. A good option of what to pour, if garlic began to turn yellow, there may be a weak solution of potassium permanganate .