Thermopot or kettle - which is better?

There is hardly a family that does not like to start the morning with a cup of tea or a fragrant coffee. That is why in every kitchen there is a device that is used for heating water, - a kettle. Usually, metal kettles heated from the gas stove burner are used. But in conditions of a modern rhythm of a life of time on gathering in school, on work it is not enough. Because of this, many decide to buy an electric kettle that allows boiling water in a matter of seconds. However, time does not stand still, there are technologies that have not passed by such a philistine device as a teapot. The modern market offers its analog - the so-called thermo - pot . We will try to figure out the difference between a thermo or a teapot, and what is better to buy for home conditions.

What is the difference between a thermo and a teapot?

One imagines that a kettle is an electrical device used to boil water. No one argues that modern instruments can cope with this faster than ordinary counterparts, heated from a gas stove. In addition, electrical kettles are automatically turned off, which solves the problem of many forgetful people. Among these devices are models with different volumes, and this makes it possible to optimally use the kettle in both large and small families. To that it is small in size and easily fits even in the smallest kitchen. In addition, some products have such an original and stylish design that they can be considered an element of decor.

Well, now tell about the thermo. It is a functional combination of a teapot and a thermos, that is, it is designed not only to boil water, but also to keep it hot. If we talk about appearance, then the thermocouple is a fairly large and heavy device. This is explained by the thickness of the shell walls necessary to maintain the water temperature. As a rule, devices have a considerable volume (3-5 liters), which allows you not to pour water for a long time. The water is in a glass or steel flask surrounded by a plastic casing. After boiling, the water temperature in 90-95 ° C is stored in the thermo-pump for 1.5 hours, and during the day it is 80-70 ° C. If desired, the device can be set to continuously maintain a certain temperature, so brewing tea or oatmeal will not be a problem. Agree, it is very convenient in families with children of infants, where the baby is on artificial feeding. At any time it is possible to prepare a mixture, which, as is known, is mixed not with boiling water, but with water 50-85 ° C. In addition, the heatpot is rational to use on outings - picnics or in the country, because at any time at hand is hot water.

Thermopot or kettle: what's more economical?

Due to the fact that both devices work from a home network, the question of their profitability is topical. The kettle, unfortunately, does not have a function, which is very suitable for those houses, where they like to constantly "tea" with biscuits and sweets. Unfortunately, the kettle does not support the water temperature: once the appliance has cooled down, it must be turned on again and again. In this regard, the answer to the question that it is more economical - a thermo-pot or an electric kettle - is self-explanatory. If at full consumption the kettle will need 700 W to bring the water to a boil, then the heatpot for constant maintenance of a certain temperature requires only 30-50 W. However, when deciding what is more advantageous - a thermo-pot or a teapot, you need to take into account some other factors. If there are not enough people in the family, the use of the thermo-tip is not advisable, because its minimum volume does not exceed 2.6 liters, and boiling water does not occur in one minute. In addition, the thermopot, in comparison with the fellow-teapot, has considerable dimensions, and therefore on a small kitchenette still need to find a place for him.