Complex drops in the nose for children - instruction

Not only ready-made chemist's drops can be treated with a prolonged runny nose or other ENT disease. Sometimes an otolaryngologist or pediatrician prescribes a prescription for complex mildew drops to the mother for children, which should be used according to the instructions.

The advantage of this remedy is that the action on the body is due to several components, rather than one, as in preparations already prepared. To know if a complex drop for children is suitable for your child, you should study the instructions for their use.

Indications for the use of complex drops in the nose for children

If a child has a runny nose that lasts for more than a week, the doctor can prescribe complex drops. This tool is used for any kind of damage - bacterial, viral or allergic and has a quick effect. Among other indications for use are the following:

Composition of complex drops in the nose for children

Depending on the nature of the disease, different components are required each time, which are mixed in different proportions according to the prescription of the doctor based on the individual needs of the small patient.

  1. Antibiotics are used to treat a bacterial disease, which is detected by passing the appropriate bapsoseva. Usually, complex drops are used Penicillin, Gentamicin, or Lincomycin.
  2. Means from allergies or antihistamines remove the swelling from the mucosa and normalize breathing. These include Diphenhydramine and Suprastin.
  3. Vasoconstrictors such as Adrenaline and Metazone duplicate the effects of antihistamines or are used alone. For small children, naftizine is most often used.
  4. Hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids) are multifunctional. They relieve swelling, inflammation and reduce allergic reaction. Use complex drops with such a component should only be under the supervision of the doctor and within a clearly defined time frame. Usually Dexamethasone and Hydrocortisone are used in the mixture.
  5. The basis of complex drops - saline or water for injection, although to improve the effectiveness of the tools often use a sterile solution of Furacilin, as well as Dioxydin, which has antibacterial properties and helps to remove puffiness with mucous membranes. This drug is included in complex drops for the treatment of sinusitis.
  6. In addition to basic medicinal components, additional ones can sometimes be added in the form of essential oils, vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If there is no possibility to purchase the necessary prescription drug, then the doctor can tell how to make complex drops for the nose to the child on their own at home. The indications should clearly state the proportions of the components and, as a rule, antibiotics are not used in this case, in order not to harm the child's organism because of ignorance, since special equipment is required for their dosage.


The use of the drug is strictly individual for each and the specialist will prescribe exactly those drugs that will not cause allergies in a specific child and will correspond to his age. Children's complex drops for the nose can be purchased under the prescription of the doctor in charge.

How to use complex drops?

Before you drip into the nose a medicinal compound, its cavity should be cleaned with a salt solution and cotton flagella. After that, 1-2 drops of the agent drip into each nostril, and after a couple of minutes you can drop another purified vegetable oil to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out from the effects of a multicomponent drug.

Storage conditions

The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator door for no more than seven days. Before use, a pipette with droplets should be warmed in the hand.