Dysbacteriosis in children

Improper feeding or taking antibiotics often lead to the development of dysbacteriosis in children - a condition in which the ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted in favor of the latter.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in childhood

You should be alerted to the following symptoms:

  1. Infants are observed regurgitation, bad breath, vomiting, poor sleep, restless behavior, small weight gain. The chair is then abundant, liquid, sometimes mushy in consistency, has a greenish tint and a putrid or sour smell. In some cases it foams or contains white lumps. In 2-3 hours after eating, the baby may begin paroxysmal pain, which is usually accompanied by urges for defecation, rumbling, increased gas production.
  2. Schoolchildren and adolescents often encounter clinical signs of the disease, such as belching, a feeling of raspiraniya in the stomach, a decreased appetite, prolonged constipation, intestinal colic, frequent discoloration and consistency of the stool.

Parents should always know how dysbiosis manifests in children, because sometimes it is almost asymptomatic. To suspect deviations from the norm can only be due to the frequent incidence of acute respiratory infections and colds, reduced body weight compared with peers, lack of interest in almost any food, permanent fungal diseases of the skin and internal organs.

Treatment of dysbiosis in children

There are no general recommendations on a treatment strategy for this disease, since each case is individual. However, if such a diagnosis is confirmed, clearly do the following:

Show the baby not only to the pediatrician, but also to the allergist, gastroenterologist and infectious disease specialist, so that they give their conclusions about the state of his health. They will tell you how to properly treat a dysbacteriosis in a child.

If the baby is still small and is on artificial feeding, it is injected into its diet with acid-milk mixtures and products with a high concentration of bifido- and lactobacilli (for example, Bifidok, NAN with bifidobacteria, Narine, etc.).

Older children are traditionally prescribed special drugs that contain useful microorganisms that colonize the intestines ( Lineks, Bifidumabacterin , Lactobacterin), bacteriophages, and agents that create a favorable environment for the development of bifido- and lactobacilli in the intestines. Also a remarkable effect for children with dysbiosis is given by a diet including buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat porridge, vegetables, fruits, slightly dried bread based on various cereals and preferably with bran, vegetable salads with peas, beans, vegetable oil, dairy products. As drinks ideal fruity compotes, berry jelly, broth of wild rose.

Prevention of dysbiosis in children

As preventive measures that prevent the development of dysbiosis, use:

How correctly to hand over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis at the child?

For two to three days before the analysis in the baby's menu should not introduce new food, give any medicines and vitamins. Morning feces must be placed in sterile dishes. After the child has pissed, he is washed away and only then they collect the analysis for dysbiosis, otherwise his decoding in children can be wrong. Cal is delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours after collection.