How does the child's teeth grow?

The rudiments of baby teeth begin to develop actively before your baby is born. To name the exact time when the baby will cut through the first tooth is impossible. However, there are tentative norms. Before her mother sees the long-awaited snow-white tops of her child's teeth, she and her baby will have to suffer a little. The child may not significantly increase the temperature, the gums may inflame and blush, in some cases, there is a violation of the intestine.

The first milk teeth

At the age of four to ten months, two central lower incisors usually appear. A few weeks later, two central upper incisors are cut into the upper jaw. Already closer to the first year, the child has lateral incisors on the lower jaw. Usually the teeth grow in pairs - one on the left and the other on the right. Then lateral incisors appear on the upper jaw. This usually occurs from the ninth to the thirteenth months of the baby's life. At the age of one and a half year the first denticles begin to appear. This occurs almost simultaneously on the upper and lower jaws. And do not be disturbed by the fact that they are somewhat darker than milk teeth. This is absolutely normal. By the age of two the fangs grow in the child, and by the age of 32 months the baby's teeth are cut long distal teeth, which are called the second molars. By the age of three, the child usually has 20 teeth, and already in 4 years the active growth of the jaw and facial bones starts, therefore, places for permanent teeth are formed between the small denticles.

To say how much the tooth grows in a child is also impossible, because in some the tooth grows completely in 1-2 weeks, while for others it can take a month.

Mom should go to the pediatrician if after the first birthday in the mouth of the child no signs that indicate the beginning of the process of teething, is not observed. We hasten to reassure - there is nothing terrible in this. Most likely, during the gestation, when the teeth formed in the fetus, the mother did not use enough calcium-containing products, so the child's teeth grow slowly and badly, but remember, did you see a two-year-old child without teeth? Hardly.

Why do teeth grow wrong?

If with the way teeth grow in children, everything is more than understandable, then the reasons for their curvature do not always lie on the surface. Many parents do not pay attention to the fact that the child's crooked teeth grow, believing that they will be replaced by equal roots. But this does not always happen. Sometimes the curvature of the infant teeth leads to a similar situation with the indigenous ones. The first cause of curvature is the lack of calcium in the body. A balanced diet can solve this problem. The second reason is insufficient quantity of solid food. Cappuccino, puree leads to the fact that the teeth of the child improperly grow due to underdevelopment.

There are also more serious causes: diseases of the nasopharynx, tonsillitis, adenoids, chronic rhinitis. Because of them, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth, which leads to a narrowing of the dental arches.

Bad habits

Yes Yes! Constant sucking of fingers, prolonged use of pacifiers, bottles with nipples - this is a sure sign that the bite of the baby will be formed incorrectly. Drain from the harmful habits of the baby as soon as they appear, otherwise the teeth can grow together, climb on top of each other. This will save the child from the need to wear plates, braces and other orthopedic devices in the future. This is important, especially if we consider that often this problem requires a solution in adolescence, when the child's psyche suffers from complexes.