Autism in children - symptoms

Symptoms of this type of disorder, such as autism in young children, are often hidden. That's why such a diagnosis is often exhibited only by the time the baby goes to kindergarten - in 2-3 years. Autism itself is a disorder of the brain, which is ultimately expressed, first of all, in the problem of communication. Let's take a closer look at this disorder and tell you what are the symptoms of autism in children, and how to recognize the disorder before 1 year.

What are the main causes of autism?

Before talking about the signs of such a violation, it is necessary to note its main reasons.

Among those, among the first, doctors call heredity. In other words, if one of the parents or his close relatives has this disorder, then the likelihood of his appearance in the future baby is also great.

Also, in the course of the research, scientists hypothesized that autism develops against the backdrop of other diseases associated with a violation of the intrauterine process of development of crumbs.

It should be noted that the opinion of the parents themselves faced with this problem regarding the fact that the cause of its development lies in vaccination is erroneous.

How is the presence of impaired children diagnosed?

Talking about how to recognize the symptoms of autism in an infant , it should be noted that it is almost impossible to do it at that age. As a rule, in medicine all the signs of such a violation are divided into 3 groups:

The first type of symptoms of autism in children is associated with a violation of its adaptation in society. Their appearance parents can only detect by 2 years. In such cases, the baby prefers solitude, not wanting to play with his peers and, at times, not paying attention to them at all. When trying to make contact, the child usually does not look into the eyes of his interlocutor, whether it's a native or an unfamiliar person. However, he does not allow touching himself. Such children atypically react to the presence or absence of parents, i.e. some children with such a violation show excessive disinterest, while others with the opposite - can not bear even the minute absence of the pope or mother. The reaction of these children to what is happening around is unpredictable.

Such manifestations of autism in children, as communicative symptoms, are characterized by a delay in speech development, or at times a regression of communication skills, i.e. at one point he begins to communicate with others around him less and lose interest in them. Also, a child with similar impairments is not at all interested in the things around him, the world around him is not interesting at all. The kid rarely smiles, and never responds to the smile of others the same. Almost all attempts to establish a dialogue with such a child fail. In speech it is often possible to meet non-existent words or it simply repeats the phrase heard from adults (echolalia).

Stereotyped symptoms (signs) of autism in young children are characterized by the fact that such babies repeat identical simple movements almost without stopping. Adaptation to new conditions of life occurs with great difficulty. The child is difficult to tolerate the presence of strangers in the society and is strictly committed to the daily routine.

How to identify such a violation at the initial stage?

Symptoms of mild autism in children are difficult to identify. Some parents write off such violations on the characteristics of the character, without attaching any importance to them.

However, in the presence of the following signs, each mother should be alerted and consult in this regard with the doctor:

In case of presence of similar signs the doctor carries out special tests which allow to reveal infringement at the kid and to appoint treatment.