How to pump the calf of the legs to the girl?

Slender legs will attract the attention of any man. If you want to get an answer to the question of how to pump the calves of legs to a girl, then this article will become a practical guide.

How to pump up the calves quickly?

In order to quickly and effectively pump the calf muscles, try to perform repetitions slowly. Do not be afraid of weight and feel sorry for yourself, caviare withstand weight and recover quickly enough. It is best to perform exercises on calves after the rest of the exercises on your feet.

Of course, it is important to know how to properly pump the muscles of the legs. After doing the exercises, make sure to stretch: it helps to avoid overstrain and cramps. We offer a set of exercises with which you can pump the calves of your feet even at home.

Exercises for gastrocnemius muscles

  1. Springs . There are several options for doing this exercise: you need to stand up evenly, slowly rising to your toes. Try to raise the heights to the maximum height. Slowly sink to the full foot and tear off the heels off the floor again. It is necessary to do 4 approaches 30 times. Complicate exercises: pick up small dumbbells, repeating the above described springy climbs. The next version of this exercise: "springs" are made alternately on both legs.
  2. Stepping. In order to pump the calf muscles, you can use a special stand - step. If you do not have it, then you can use a thick encyclopedia. Stand with your toes on the stand, while the heels remain hanging in the air. Then you need to climb the tiptoe as much as possible. Slowly sink down, feeling the ankle stretch. Consider the fact that if you keep your feet in parallel and do lifts, then the maximum load will go to the middle of the muscles. Combined socks, heels apart - the load will go to the outer part of the muscles of the calves of the legs. If the socks are apart, and the heels together - the interior will work most of all.
  3. Jumping on the rope. Exercise is necessary until the moment when there is a burning sensation in the calves.
  4. Walking on the stairs. You can study in the walls of your house. Spend an exercise of 15-30 minutes. You can complicate the task and pick up dumbbells.
  5. Walking on socks. This exercise is very affordable and easy. Stand on your toes, and move around the house in small steps. Try not to bend your knees.
  6. Running . Regular workouts, no doubt, will make your calf muscles inflated and supple.