Why not work on church holidays?

Church holidays have their own rules and laws that are worth observing. The topic of why it is impossible to get out and do other work on church holidays remains relevant for many years. It is worthwhile to figure out where and when such prohibitions appeared and whether they should be observed. It is important to note that there are separate taboos that relate to specific holidays.

Why not work on church holidays?

In fact, evidence that confirms the existence of a real threat, if there is no violation of existing prohibitions, is, and to a greater extent, they can be considered superstitions. Church holidays are a time that should be given to God, go to church, confess, etc. In addition, these days can be spent with the family, socialize, show caring and love. It is because of this that signs have appeared that it is impossible to do anything during the great church holidays. The priests recommend, if possible, postpone all urgent matters, or at least carry them out after a campaign to the church.

Every holiday has its own definite ban, which appeared in ancient times. In which church holidays can not work:

  1. On the first day of Lent, women are not recommended to go to other yards and houses. It is believed that this way you can draw to yourself problems and various misfortunes.
  2. One more is locked, concerning the ladies, falls on the Annunciation. On this day, you can not do anything with the hair, as this can lead to separation from your loved one.
  3. Understanding the topic, which church holidays can not do anything, it is impossible not to remember one of the most important days in the life of a Christian - Christmas. On this day you can not go hunting or hiking, as this can lead to an accident. You can not sew, embroider, in general, take up a needle, as this can lead to the blindness of one of a close relative.
  4. On the day of Ilya, you can not swim in the reservoirs, because it is believed that this can lead to an accident. It is noticed that it is at this time that the number of drowned people increases.
  5. On the day of Saint Basil the Great (January 14) it is recommended that the man be the first to start a house. The thing is that since ancient times people believe that it brings with it health and happiness for the whole family.
  6. In Sretenka, you should not go on trips, because they will not bring happiness, and in some cases can lead to accidents.
  7. On the day of John (September 11) it is not recommended to use any sharp objects and in particular to cut something round. Do not eat products of a round shape. This is due to the fact that on that day the Saint was severed his head.