What is the forehead scratched?

Signs that have survived to our time can be said to have been tested for centuries. Our ancestors found a certain connection between the changes of the present and the events of the future. Knowledge passed from mouth to mouth, while affirming its truthfulness. Superstitions that explain the scales of different parts of the body are popular for more than one century. Almost every person knows that if it itches, it means that there will be fun, and if the left hand, then expect profits, etc. It is important to take into account that if itching does not go on for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of having some kind of health problems.

What is the forehead scratched?

Itching in this area is a harbinger of unforeseen circumstances. There is also the opinion that such a sign means that on this day it is necessary to greet someone or to bow, that is, to ask something. The sex of a person can be determined depending on which side of the itch appeared: on the right - for the male, and on the left - for the female. Esoterics interpret the sign in their own way when the forehead is scratched. They argue that a person has to talk with a representative of the opposite sex. It is important that this conversation will cause a lot of thoughts. There is another cardinally different opinion, according to which the forehead itches due to the fact that a loved one actually experiences negative emotions. People were widely believed that itching in the forehead area means that the "horns" are growing, that is, the partner is changing.

Another variant of the interpretation of the sign can be considered a recommendation that on these days you can not drink alcohol, as this can lead to mutilation, for example, you can hit the same forehead against the door. If the itching occurred at a time when a person was dreaming about something, then the desire will certainly come true and it will happen in the near future.

The interpretation of the sign differs depending on the localization of the itching:

  1. If the forehead itches around the bridge of the nose, then soon serious problems will have to be solved. The stronger the itch, the more time and energy to spend. The sign says that you should not get upset, as a result you will be able to find the right decision.
  2. If discomfort appeared in the area next to the hair, then you should expect a betrayal on the part of a loved one.
  3. If the forehead itches in the central part, means, soon there will be a meeting with an influential person, before which one will have to "bend over" again.
  4. If the overthrown appeared above the right eyebrow, then soon it will be necessary to suffer from unfounded criticism because of enemies and envious persons.
  5. If the forehead itches over the left eyebrow, then in the near future because of your behavior, close relatives will suffer. In the future, regret comes about because of the words said, but nothing will come back.

Other superstitions associated with the forehead

It will be interesting to know what a sign means, if to hit his forehead. In this case, we can expect joyful events in the next few days. A person will feel the inspiration to reach new heights. If an itch appears after a stroke in a sore spot, this is a good sign, indicating that a grand idea will emerge today. In order not to lose memory after a blow, you need to stick your forehead to the icon of John the Baptist. There is also a sign that if you bang your foreheads with another person, you need to bite your tongue lightly, otherwise your head will be very sore. According to the existing information after an accidental attack, it is necessary again, but already deliberately hit your foreheads so as not to get sick. Another sign will tell you why the forehead burns. If there is a fever in this area, but there is no temperature and any other health problems, then in the near future it will be necessary to solve the accumulated problems.