Differential Psychology

Now it is considered that women and men are equal. Equal, but not the same, any psychologist will tell you. To determine this degree of difference there is even a special branch in psychology - differential psychology. The main tasks of this branch are to identify and study the differences between individuals and groups of individuals, to identify the prerequisites for differences, and to predict and analyze the consequences. Thanks to differential psychology and psycho-diagnostics, psychological tests for the definition of personality psychotype, racial, national, cultural differences are becoming more and more perfect. And all this, in turn, helps to improve the distribution of the masses in workplaces, spheres of activity, specialized educational institutions.

Sex differences are not in psychology

Before we begin to review the characteristic differences between men and women in psychology, we will understand whether there are physiological prerequisites for talking about equality and the absence of difference.

First, physiological differences are external factors of the structure of the body. Secondly, in men and women, the composition of the blood, the pulse rate, volume and frequency of breathing are different.

In history, there were periods when men ruled over women, and times when everything was radically changed, and matriarchy was formed. What is better, what is worse is not known, but even the very knowledge of the history of the difference between these two structures speaks in favor of the fact that we are different.

Differential psychology of the sexes

So, let's start the most controversial moment in psychology - the differential psychology of a man and a woman. By the way, in Swedish kindergartens, you can not pronounce the word "he" and "she" in relation to boys and girls, so that no one feels sexual abuse.

Let's start with a simple one.

At men are developed:

Women have developed:

As for the predisposition of women to work as accountants, there are many prerequisites in their personality according to differential psychology.

First, women read and count faster. Secondly, they remember better, and more accurately reproduce what they read. In addition, the emotional nature of women is more variable, which means that they adapt better to changing circumstances.

Love and Psychology

Differential psychology, as a science, or more correctly, as a science, has climbed even into the study of love at first sight. It is proved that only men are capable of love at first sight. And, and this is due to evolution. The stronger sex developed the ability to choose the best for the continuation of the race companion in a matter of seconds.

In women, the possibility of love at first sight is absent and also for reasons of evolutionary development. This is due to the fact that the woman needs time to determine whether her partner will leave at the first difficulty, whether he will be able to provide the offspring with food, protection, etc.

Moreover, even the love of men for beautiful women can be explained. Beautiful - it means healthy, full, without flaws and deformations. Hence, only a beautiful female can give a healthy offspring.

And women on the contrary, evolutionarily, look not only at external indicators, but also on a number of evidence of the male's commitment to himself and future offspring.