Care of an acrylic bathroom

The fact that the baths of acrylic are becoming more popular, it is impossible to challenge. However, they, as well as all products of this material, have significant drawbacks, namely: instability to mechanical damage, chemical and abrasive cleaners. However, this does not mean that it is worth to refuse to purchase such an option, simply care for the acrylic bathtub must be carried out with the utmost care and saving.

Means for washing acrylic bathtubs

Cleaning any product from acrylic completely denies the use of products that can scratch the surface. If the cleanser is suitable, then it should be well soaked and kneaded with fingers, leaving behind the sensation of scratching lumps and turning over time into a liquid slurry.

It is also possible to test the suitability of the agent by applying an invisible part of the bath. If after cleaning, washing off the drying place has not lost its original appearance, then you can safely clean the entire product. The ideal option of how to wash an acrylic bath is the use of creamy detergents, which need only be applied to the surface of the font, left for a quarter of an hour and washed off.

Also an indisputable rule of how to clean and wash an acrylic bathtub is the use of exceptionally soft sponges or napkins. Sometimes it becomes difficult to eliminate the lime plaque from the acrylic surface. Then special means will come to the aid, which do not contain alcohols, resins, solvents and other aggressive components.

If an indelible stain is formed on the bath, it can be quickly and easily rubbed with liquid acrylic, after which the problem area is ground. Acquire this tool can be everywhere, and apply it can even a person without experience.

To ensure that the bath of acrylic has long pleased you with pristine beauty, after each ablution you need to wipe its surface with a soft washcloth or sponge soaked in warm water. This will eliminate the need to do total stripping with the use of expensive cleaning agents.

Acrylic baths are characterized by frequent mechanical damage, provoked solely by the negligence of the owners. So, for example, many put in them chairs with basins for washing, baby baths or simply miss the shower hose. All this can lead to holes and cracks in the acrylic coating, which should already be eliminated by a specialist.