After washing, the down jacket became thin

The snow creaked under his feet, frosts began to grow, and people hurried to get their hats, warm jackets and down jackets. No matter how hard you try, and in time, any clothes are smeared, rubbed and should be washed. With simple underwear usually does not arise problems, but with down jackets sometimes it is difficult. They often become thin, shapeless, the washing field dries for a long time, the fluff gets stuck in lumps, and such a jacket almost does not hold heat. Mistresses are horrified, they are going to throw out their favorite and expensive things. How to save the down jacket after washing? Maybe you should not rush, and they can still be put in order?

Recovering the down jacket after washing

Can I even throw such things into the washing machine? The fact is that our hostesses often treat him like a normal shirt or trousers, not following some important rules. Down jackets need to be washed carefully, observing the precautionary measures and the basic rules of washing such delicate things:

  1. Down jackets do not need to soak.
  2. The washing mode is exceptionally delicate.
  3. Forget hot water. On the labels manufacturers usually indicate the temperature, but it is better if it does not exceed 30 degrees.
  4. Reliably fasten the down jacket to all buttons and fasteners. If this is not done, then the fabric may tear, and the lightning deteriorate.
  5. Instead of a powder, use liquid detergents.
  6. To remove white stains from the surface of the fabric, rinse the down jacket at least two or three times. Often they appear at the first wash. Sometimes this phenomenon causes not only powder, but also dust, settled in the material at the production stage.
  7. To wash down down jackets is often not recommended, with time the impregnation is washed off, and the fabric then begins to soak in the rain or wet snow much more quickly.

What can not be done after washing the down jacket?

  1. Do not dry the product outdoors for too long (over two days), it is better to hang it in a warm room.
  2. Drying such things directly on a hot battery is also not recommended. From strong heat down can become brittle and can lose its properties. It is better to place a jacket next to a heat source, whisking periodically a wet thing with your hands.
  3. Do not store the wet down jackets in crumpled form.
  4. Do not throw whitening or tinting remedies into the water. With different rinse-offs, it's also best not to experiment.
  5. It is better to remove small stains or dirt, only the upper fabric is covered, without repeatedly subjecting the product to complete washing.
  6. Do not forget that the inner layer dries much slower than the upper fabric and lining. Put your down jacket in the closet only when you make sure that it is completely dry.

How to straighten the down jacket after washing?

Hands kneading kneaded lumps for a long time and painfully. Each cell must be neatly kneaded and stretched, whipped the jacket, like a pillow. But this method though the longest, but it is still the most reliable. People try to save their things differently using a vacuum cleaner, a cracker to knock out carpets, a steamer. Some landladies use one rather original and simple way of restoring their clothes, which is worth trying to the rest of our readers.

The car is loaded with a down jacket of several tennis balls and includes a drying or spinning regime. They break the lumps and bring the insulation to the norm. In the event that balls are not at hand, use baby cubes. Hanging the jacket on the cord, periodically shake it - it also helps to distribute the insulation evenly. If, after washing the down jacket, the fluff is lost, and nothing happened at once, then you can repeat this procedure two or even three times.