How to remove the mold from the wallpaper?

Any housewife knows that to take care of a house can sometimes be almost more difficult than for one's own face. At first glance it seems that everything is simple: my floor, wipe the dust, clean the mirrors. But gradually, before the newly made Cinderella, the tasks are more difficult: how to wipe the grease stains off the slab? How can I clean the tiles? How to remove mold from the wallpaper? We will talk about the latter today.

Where does it come from?

Why does mold appear on the wallpaper? There may be several answers to this question. First, high humidity in the apartment. Secondly, mistakes made at the repair stage: poorly insulated seams, poorly run drainage. Third, there is no ventilation. With this factor, owners of plastic windows are especially often encountered: such frames do not let out extraneous sounds and perfectly hold heat, but they actually isolate the room from the influx of fresh air. As a consequence - dampness and whole colonies of molds on the walls. It should be noted that they not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also pose a serious threat to your health: according to doctors, their disputes can provoke the development of allergies and even cause cancer.

What to do with it?

Mold on the wallpaper: how to get rid of this scourge? Some think that it is enough simply to "scrape" it off the affected area. Unfortunately, everything is not so simple. You'll have to change the wallpaper, and work on the wall as you clean it with a spatula. After that, once or twice walk on it with sandpaper and proceed to "treatment". To do this you will need a special remedy for mold on the wallpaper. It can be purchased at a hardware store, but the tools available: ammonia, table vinegar, solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Treat the wall several times, wait until it dries completely and primed with an antiseptic solution. Now you can re-glue the wallpaper.

Prevention is the best treatment

If you do not want the unpleasant spots to appear again and again, observe the measures of the opposite. Agree, it is better to regularly ventilate the apartment, than again and again to seek an answer to the question, than to process wallpaper from mold. Take care that the furniture does not stand close to the wall, and the air in the rooms does not get too wet. If you live in unfavorable climatic conditions, we advise you to think about fiberglass wallpaper: of course, they are worth a lot, but they are not afraid of any fungi and controversies.