Care of stretch ceilings

Choosing a ceiling covering, we have got used to be guided by such decisive and indisputable qualities of a stretch ceiling as durability, beauty and convenience in leaving. Despite the fact that the manufacturer's warranty for the selected material is from 5 to 15 years, care is still required.

On how to properly wash the stretch ceilings, depending on the type of canvas, we will tell you in our article.

Care of tension glossy ceilings

To ensure that your ceiling is always clean and shiny, no special effort is required. In most cases, it is enough to wipe it with a dry napkin. If this does not help, perhaps using a 10% solution of ammonia, after which, the ceiling should be wiped dry. Get rid of simple dirt, you can with a soft cloth and a warm soapy solution. If condensate is collected in the bathroom on a stretch ceiling , which leaves small spots, they can easily be cleaned with an ordinary soft cloth.

Care for stretch glossy ceilings in the kitchen is more thorough. To remove greasy, oily stains from the canvas, you can use dishwashing liquid, glass or ammonia. At the same time, the fabric should be soft, lint-free and absorb moisture well.

Dilute a small amount of detergent in warm water, moisten a cloth in the solution and smoothly, moving along the seam, wash off the dirt. Remains of detergent must be wiped with a damp cloth, then wipe the ceiling dry. That after washing does not remain divorces, wipe a cloth special polirolju.

To wash the tension glossy ceilings, you can not use acetone, abrasives, kerosene and other solvents. These funds will only harm the tissues, and there will be no effect from them at all.

Care for stretch frosted ceilings

To keep this ceiling clean, it's enough to vacuum it, and it will be as good as new. But, remember that the brush for the vacuum cleaner should be chosen soft, which in no case will scratch the surface of the blade. To remove stains, a simple school eraser is perfect. If the canvas accidentally cuts, it is better to seal it with adhesive tape and call specialists, to further restore its surface.

Care of fabric stretch ceilings

Such a ceiling is also allowed to be washed with a damp cloth, and if it is heavily soiled, use a powder solution. To remove stains, it is forbidden to use window washing liquid and White spirit, since the first contains a dye penetrating into the fabric structure, the second one simply rots all impregnation.