Serosome of the uterus

Serosome of the uterus is a disease in which there is an increase in the uterine cavity, as a result of the accumulation of fluid in it. Most often, such a violation is observed in women of unproductive age, and is asymptomatic.

Because of what develops a serosimeter?

The main cause of development of serosomes is a violation of the hormonal balance, which is especially common in the menopausal period. At the same time, there is a violation of the vascular permeability of the uterine mucosa, which negatively affects the regenerative abilities of the uterus.

It is also possible to identify and contributing factors, which indirectly lead to the development of serosomes:

What are the main signs of development of serosymmetry?

The main, perhaps, signs of serosymmetry are an increase in the uterus in size and aching pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, the increase in the uterus occurs to such a size that it begins to squeeze the nearby organs and is probed by palpation.

The increase in the size of the organs of the reproductive system can be caused by other gynecological diseases. Therefore, an ultrasound is necessary .

How are serosymes treated?

Treatment of such a disease, as a serosimeter, is to ensure the outflow of fluid from the uterine cavity, which is carried out by opening the cervical canal. In those cases when the infection joins, antibiotics are prescribed. Later on, the onset of the therapeutic process may result in the transition of the disease into a malignant form, or the development of suppuration. Therefore, it is better if you suspect a disease immediately go to the doctor, and not try to treat serosomes with folk remedies, which in such cases are ineffective.