Dotting instead of menstruation causes

The menstrual cycle is a very individual phenomenon. The frequency and nature of the discharge even for the same woman can vary significantly and depend on the hormonal background that changes every lunar month. And it often happens that instead of the expected monthly, smearing brown or spotting starts, which ends in 1-2 days. Let's talk about the reasons for this "behavior" of the female body and what should be done in this unusual situation.

Why instead of monthly is a brown smear?

There are several reasons for this, and it's up to you to find the true one among them, preferably with the help of a doctor.

  1. The nature of menstrual discharge often depends on age. For example, in young girls, this situation can occur during the year after the arrival of the first monthly, when the cycle is only being established. Similarly, spotting during menstruation may appear in women with the approach of menopause, and also within half a year after the last menstruation.
  2. If you are in reproductive age, live sexually and do not protect yourself, smear instead of menstruation can be caused by a successful pregnancy. But there are possible options when such emissions indicate:
  • Benign formations in the uterus, such as, for example, polyps or endometrial hyperplasia, or uterine myoma, usually cause spotting in the middle of the cycle. But in some cases such a daub, usually poor, can appear and instead of monthly. Most often this is due to a violation of the hormonal background.
  • Cervical cancer is a more formidable disease, and it can also cause a swelling. Such changes in the body can develop quickly enough, so if the discharge does not stop, the cycles are amplified or repeated, it is better to seek help from a women's consultation.
  • If you take oral contraceptives, then the answer to the question why instead of monthly ones goes to daub, is very simple. This is the body's reaction to the change in the usual level of hormones in the woman's blood. In this case, spotting can appear at any time of the cycle and is a side effect in the period of habituation (from 1 to 3, less often to 6 months) and should soon end.
  • And, at last, the most unpleasant reason of an ointment instead of monthly is a venereal disease. Among them you can call chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts, etc. To confirm or refute this option, in addition to the standard method for a gynecologist, it is recommended to pass tests for hidden infections.
  • As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons for the operation instead of monthly ones, and only the doctor can determine which of them caused a change in the nature of the discharge and whether it requires treatment.