Rice for rolls in multivark

Japanese cuisine is a real skill to create original masterpieces and real works of art on ordinary plates. And let this food is simple enough in cooking, but the correct and beautiful presentation of such a dish stimulates the appetite and attracts much attention. Undoubtedly, the most famous dish of Japanese cuisine, of course, are rolls and sushi.

To make real Japanese masterpieces at home, you need to pay close attention to the correct preparation and choice of rice. The difficulty of this task is only to not digest it, but not to leave it raw and hard. Correctly selected and ideally cooked rice plays a huge role in the preparation of sushi and rolls. The taste of the dish directly depends on it. It is best, of course, to choose the Japanese variety of this product. After all, it is he who possesses the necessary stickiness, which is simply necessary for the preparation of really delicious rolls.

Of course, every housewife rice always prepares in different ways, according to his secret recipe. But still there is a traditional and classic recipe. The main rule is a good rinse of rice under a stream of raw and cold water several times until the water becomes clear and clean. Let's find out with you as soon as possible how to properly prepare rice for rolls in a multivark.

Rice for rolls in the "Redmond" multivark

Rice is usually not salted when cooking. When served on the table, various seasonings, sauces and dishes from vegetables are served.


For refueling:


Let's figure out how to make rice for rolls in a multivark. So, in order for you to get everything right, you need to strictly adhere to the recipe and measure the necessary amount of rice. Then rinse it thoroughly several times, until clear water. Then we pour rice into the multivark, fill it with water, put the program "Rice" and turn on the device for 25 minutes.

While the rice is being prepared, let's prepare the marinade. To do this, mix the sugar, add lemon juice, vinegar, soy sauce, salt and heat everything on a weak fire, stirring constantly, until it boils. After this, the ready marinade is cooled and combined carefully with rice. Remember only necessarily that the rice does not need to be stirred, but it's best to just turn it over neatly, using a wooden spatula. Well, that's all, rice for rolls in the multivarquet is ready. Now you can go directly to cooking home rolls .

Rice for rolls in the multi-bar "Panasonic"



Consider another option, how to cook rice for rolls in a multivark. So, take Japanese rice, designed specifically for rolls, rinse it and pour cold water. After about 30 minutes our rice for sushi from the glass state will go to white. It's time to cook it: shift the rice into the bowl of the multivark, fill it with water, close the lid of the appliance and set the "Buckwheat" mode.

After the device sounds a ready signal, immediately open the lid and gradually pour in the rice vinegar. Next, we begin gently stir the rice with a wooden spatula from the top down. It is important to know the sense of proportion and observe the dosage, because the extra vinegar will make the rice for the sushi too friable and it will be difficult to mold the rolls from it. That's all, a beautiful and properly cooked in a multivariate rice is ready! Now you can move on to making rolls and sushi.