Hours from coffee beans

Crafts from coffee beans can be various: both clock, and trees-topiary , and cups, and much more. These man-made masterpieces not only decorate the house, but also fill it with a subtle, invigorating fragrance. If you want to make the interior of your kitchen original, then the watch made with your own hands from coffee is exactly what you need! A clock made of coffee beans makes the kitchen cozy and home-warm.

Coffee variety

The decor of the clock with coffee beans is not an easy task, but requires patience. The watch can have any shape, it depends on what kind of foundation you have.

But the technology of making coffee watches, made by themselves, is practically unchanged. First you need to decide what part of the clock you want to decorate with coffee beans. It can be one of the corners, a frame or the entire dial. You can make and figured decoration in the form of a wave, heart, circle, oval. Then you need to prepare the necessary materials:

Now you can start work. First, put on the surface of the clock the desired composition or pattern of grains. When the result suits you, remember what a grain pattern looks like, and better take a picture of it. Then remove the seeds from the clock and grease their surface in appropriate places with glue. Instead of glue, you can use stained glass. Start to glue the grains, make sure that the gaps between them are minimal.

Wait until the glue dries, and then tighten the arrows, fix the numbers, if before you start you removed them from the dial. Ready work can be covered with a layer of clear lacquer. Unusually look single coffee beans, previously painted in contrast color. As you can see, nothing complicated in the decor of the clock with the help of fragrant coffee beans!