Story-role play - characteristics and types of games for preschoolers

The growth of children goes through numerous stages, and on each of them the children are accompanied by a story-role game. Kroha deals with toys unconsciously, first himself, and then with his peers. Since all the perception of the world around him occurs in the gameplay, this kind of activity is very important for harmonious development.

Characteristics of the role-play

The way children perceive the surrounding reality is the basis of any plot-role play. They try on the role of adults, relying on their own experience, that is, how they see it. Even at the age of 2-3 years, children begin to get involved in toys, and this is the very first manifestation of the need for this type of activity. The older it becomes, the more serious the actions become.

Do not underestimate the significance of the story-role game in the life of a preschooler. It is necessary for everyone, because through it occurs the mental, personal and intellectual development of a small person. With the help of games, children can independently cope with various phobias (fear of darkness, dogs, doctors, communication with peers) without the intervention of a psychologist.

Such game forms perfectly adapt the little man to the new conditions for him - moving to another place of residence, entering school. The purpose of the story-role game is to help the youngster to settle in the adult world. Up to this age, he is still far away, but this is an advantage - for the years of such activities, children have time to learn how adults should behave in this or that situation, and this will help them in the future. The structure of the story-role game consists of the role, content and plot. Each of the components has a certain role, and all of them are significant:

  1. The plot is that sphere of human activity, which is played out in the process of the game. It can be a family, a school, police, a kindergarten - all as in real life.
  2. First, the role of the child chooses for himself. Afterwards, they are distributed among the participants, and everyone wants to fulfill the one that is more to his liking.
  3. The content depends both on the age of the players and on their life experience. The plot-role game is a conscious action that is performed in a certain order by agreement of the participants.

Types of story-role games of preschoolers

Adults, basically, are only observers and do not interfere with the course of action. What story-role games for children to choose, the participants themselves decide. They are divided into five main varieties, but they can also be mixed:

  1. Staged games. In them, the karapuz himself is the director of his actions. He speaks on his own behalf, or on behalf of the toy, according to the scenario he himself coined.
  2. Public games will be full, when there are toys for story-role games for children. To play a plot on the topic of "hospital", "transport", and others, you need the appropriate props.
  3. There are less common games on a patriotic or heroic theme. In them, children can be brave soldiers, known cosmonauts.
  4. The story-role game can display cartoons or fairy tales with the participation of characters from them - Mickey Mouse, the Evil Wizard - it's called fairy.
  5. Household themes are one of the favorite among children - "home" or "family" show true relationships in the child's family.

Story-role game "Shop"

Once there comes a time when the child first goes for bread to the nearest store. Preparation for this responsible business begins in advance. For this, similar story-role games for preschoolers are used:

  1. Inventory. For the game you will need vegetables and fruits, scales, money, an apron for the seller.
  2. Goal. Role-playing game "Shop" is needed in order to improve the knowledge of children about the names of vegetables and fruits, to help them learn about the intricacies of the seller's profession.
  3. The course. The seller dresses an apron and a hood and weighs the fruit that the buyer asked for. He pays the money and puts the purchases in a bag.

The story-role game "Hospital"

Many preschool children are afraid to go to the doctor. Help in overcoming fear will help imitation of various situations occurring at a doctor's reception, in a manipulation room, at a dentist:

  1. Inventory. Required attributes are a doctor's cap, a phonendoscope, a spatula, an ENT mirror, a hammer for a neurologist, a plastic syringe and cotton wool.
  2. Goal. The story-role game "Hospital", whose purpose is to familiarize with the purpose of the doctor's tools, can help the children learn how to act according to the storyline. A positive point will be a decrease in the doctor's fear.
  3. The course. Using such components of the story-role game as a plot, role and content, the teacher suggests the children to divide into the Aesculapius and the sick. The first are armed with tools, after which they receive patients.

The plot-role game "Family"

Girls and boys like to copy the relationship of mom and dad. The plot-role game "Family", whose goal is the ability to correctly allocate roles, helps to understand its role in the society:

  1. Inventory. For this game it does not take much, dolls will suffice, as a baby, a toy carriage and utensils utensils, a broom, a scoop.
  2. Goal. The main task is the disclosure of the inner world of the preschooler, the training of interaction between family members.
  3. The course. Children themselves regulate the scenario, according to their perceptions of behavior within the family.

The plot-role game "Hairdresser"

Little girls want to look like their mothers caring for beauty. This desire needs to be developed. The plot-role game "Hairdresser", whose goal is to develop knowledge about the profession, will be of interest to the boys:

  1. Inventory. Flacons from shampoos, hair spray, combs and hair clips.
  2. Goal. Children during the game learn many new terms, such as "curlers", "styling" and this expands their vocabulary. They are also trained in the norms of behavior in public places.
  3. The course. A client comes to the hairdresser, who uses a comb and a hairpin to build a hairstyle.

The plot-role game "School"

Preparation for school life should begin long before the first grade. This will help to play the lesson process, when the future student has the opportunity to feel himself as a student and a teacher:

  1. Inventory. Attributes to the plot-role game "School" are simple. It will take a board, a pointer, glasses and a bell. "Schoolchildren" need books, notebooks, a backpack and pens.
  2. Goal. Classes help to make the concept of children about the school more concrete, not abstract, to overcome fear.
  3. The course. The teacher invites students to the lesson, calling the bell. The children sit still, raise their hands, do not indulge.

The plot-role game "Atelier"

Girls with pleasure practice in cut and sewing with the help of a small children's sewing machine. Boys can act as models. This non-standard game activity, like the rest, contributes to the socialization of the child:

  1. Inventory. Necessary attributes to the story-role game "Atelier" is in every kindergarten. These are ironing, ironing boards, dolls and clothes for them. In addition, you can purchase a meter for measuring, paper and scissors for patterns.
  2. Goal. Children are helped to establish mutual relations with each other and to acquaint them with the basics of sewing and sewing - what the workers of the studio are doing.
  3. The course. The children come up with a pattern, cut it out and pretend to sew a dress for a doll.

The plot-role game "Cafe"

Ability to behave in public places is useful to the future adult. In this he will help the story-role game "Cafe", the attributes of which are found in each group of kindergarten:

  1. Inventory. You will need: a tray, a tea set, toy cakes, fruit, a toy menu, overalls.
  2. Goal. In the process, children learn accurate serving, respectful relationship to each other.
  3. The course. In action, participants are a waiter, visitors, a cook. Everyone is busy with their own business, the ultimate goal of which is quality service to the population.

Story-role games on SDA

To learn competent behavior on the road you need from an early age. For this, various events are held, among which the story-role game "Rules of the road":

  1. Inventory. It will take a painted or traced zebra, a traffic light, a wand of the regulator.
  2. Goal. During the game, children learn how to behave properly in the street, where to cross the road, get acquainted with the traffic lights.
  3. The course. Children are divided into pedestrians, drivers, regulators. The teacher tells the rules, and the boys and girls play up the invented situations.

Analysis of the plot-role play

The main indicator of the development of the story-role game is its consistent action, which is regulated by the children themselves. That is, the process begins, then its main part goes and, then, it logically terminates. In it children can have some difficulties and the task of the educator is to eliminate misunderstanding. Watching the children from outside and interfering if necessary, the caretaker analyzes the behavior of the participants.

The diagnosis of the plot-role game reveals the difficulties in the relations between the children - are they friendly with each other, are they able to act together and help each other. Observation of children helps to understand whether they have problems in dealing with adults. Based on the knowledge acquired, educators should correct behavioral discrepancies at an early age.

Not only teachers, but also parents can successfully use this way of communicating with their child, as a method to diversify leisure. So, you can unexpectedly learn a lot of new things and even see yourself from outside in the actions, deeds and owls of toy seals or dolls. It is especially useful to spend time, similarly, to those who for some reason do not attend kindergarten and rarely communicate with peers.