Gender Identity

One psychologist once said: "The fact that between the legs is the floor, and between the ears is gender." By the age of two, children are beginning to realize their gender identity, and during the adolescent period, the peak of the formation of gender identity falls, thanks to which a person with a healthy or not self-consciousness can form.

What is the gender identity of an individual?

Do not just be a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, but also behave appropriately, dress, have certain values, habits, manners - all this determines the gender identity. And it, in turn, arises on the basis of education, in the process of socialization, communication with the surrounding world. It can not be said that gender identity can be seen, touched and the like - it is like consciousness, thoughts, in a word, exists in each of us.

It will not be superfluous to mention that the nearest relatives of the baby influence the correct formation of gender identity and this, first of all, the parents. Girls learn to be feminine with the example of their own mother. In addition, it is parents, albeit unconsciously, who teach their children the relationship between a man and a woman on the example of one's own attitude towards the spouse, the spouse.

Types of gender identity

In each of us, to some extent, both male and female features manifest themselves. Based on this knowledge, the following types of gender identity are distinguished:

Disorder of gender identity

Violation of gender identity is nothing more than a gender dysphoria. With such a disorder, biologically a man or woman can feel gendered as a representative of the opposite sex. It is important to note that such individuals are mentally healthy.

Gender dysphoria can be a consequence of intrauterine changes, the influence of hormonal treatment on the successful course of pregnancy.

To date, the only option for successful treatment of a disorder of gender identity is considered to be an operation for sex change or the use of antidepressants.