Emotional burnout of teachers

Recently, teachers have increasingly started to face problems with mental health associated with professional activities. This is due to the fact that in educational institutions a greater responsibility to the administration, parents and other society, as a result, neurotic disorders arise. Emotional burnout of teachers is a rather dangerous illness in the professional sphere, which leads to chronic depression .

Stages of emotional burnout syndrome among educators

Professional emotional burnout manifests itself over time, it goes through three stages of development, which will lead to inferiority:

  1. The first stage - the teacher does not feel any emotions, the sharpness of the feelings is smoothed out, positive emotions disappear altogether, nervousness and anxiety appear.
  2. The second stage - there are disagreements with parents and the administration, in the presence of clients there is nervousness and aggression.
  3. The third stage - the ideas about the values ​​of life change beyond recognition, eyes lose their brilliance.

Prevention of emotional burnout

Many people are beginning to wonder what is the prevention of emotional burnout, how to deal with it. Prevention in general education institutions should be carried out in two ways:

Thanks to the above methods, you can achieve good results and get rid of depression. In order for teachers to be more stress-resistant, it is necessary to teach them technologies to overcome stress and tension, as well as relaxation methods - they will help restore the nervous system.