What is a sense of humor?

"A person without a sense of humor is deprived of much more than just a sense of humor," said Mark Twain, who, of course, no one would blame for a lack of sense of humor.

And he, of course, is right. After all, a person with a sense of humor can find a way out of any situation - he just does not take it too seriously. If something unpleasant happens, of course, you want to get very upset, even, maybe, cry, get depressed. Human impotence (real or apparent), as it were, returns to childhood, when it was not possible to influence the reality due to age, but it turned out only to cry, demanding sympathy from the elders. But now there is nobody to regret, age is not the same, and adults already feel sorry for their children. This makes it even worse, and a person suffers from stress.

What is a sense of humor?

Well, a sense of humor is a character trait that allows you to treat the situation from the very beginning differently. A person with a sense of humor can rise above the situation, realize and its funny side, even if it is a black humor. Of course, someone's death or a serious illness is not a reason to have fun, but it's not about such cases, but less fateful events: he fell under the contract at work, lost his passport, flooded neighbors, broke the car, threw a loved one ... Yes, this, perhaps, is the tragedy of all life. But this is not the whole of life. Good will still be. But this does not explain to someone who is now so difficult. Only a good sense of humor helps a person to abstract himself from problems, mentally put himself in brace and look at the situation with humor.

As to what a sense of humor is, there is no common opinion either among scientists or ordinary people. Several possible explanations can be considered.

A sense of humor is an anesthetic. It helps to transfer what is very difficult, almost intolerable. At war, they invented anecdotes, otherwise you will not survive!

So, if you want to endure stress, you need to joke. Do not let yourself drown in a sea of depression . Laugh through tears. It follows that people without a sense of humor live much harder than those who have a sense of humor.

A sense of humor is a sign of intelligence. And those who have a well-developed logical, imaginative and associative thinking, have the most powerful sense of humor.

But the ability to joke depends on education. Knowledge and erudition allow a person to invent an elegant, subtle and unpronounced joke, while uneducated people sometimes simply grunt what came to mind without worrying about how decent it is and whether someone is offended at such humor. No, he himself gets such a "charge of cheerfulness and good mood", and the rest will suffer. That is, it's a rough, selfish and dishonorable person. But this is also humor, and a man who "subtly" hinted during the feast of his wife that she was fat, like an elephant: the look of the trunk will grow, it turns out to be witty than the guests who did not laugh at this joke.

Finally, an intelligent person, never, will not allow himself to say stupidity or rudeness, his jokes are sweet and bring joy to all, hurting no one.

The indicator of stress. Sometimes it happens, such a person and sees that his jokes are out of place, but he can not stop. This is a ready-made case of stress. It is necessary to treat such things with indulgence, as to someone who is glad not to cough, but does not go out. And, of course, do not pay attention to such things: then he himself will be ashamed.

Often, scientists associate a sense of humor and creativity. In all likelihood, they are right, because a good joke is not a splash of bile, but a creative act.

Let in our life there will be only good jokes, which will not hurt for "alive", but only bring joy and cheer up.