How to defeat your emotions?

Emotions are peculiar to every person, but there are such persons , in whom their manifestation is expressed above the norm. In other words, these are emotional people. On the one hand, what's wrong with showing you the true attitude to the situation and other things? True, on the other hand, giving vent to their emotions, you forget how to defeat them and not break the wood.

How to keep emotions under control?

Fundamental rules:

  1. What you are experiencing at the moment can only be a distant shade of the main emotion. Proceeding from this, one should know one's own personality, emotions.
  2. Any emotional state does not appear out of nowhere. Only when you learn to realize that certain actions were carried out on the basis of emotions, control over them will be given to you much more quickly.
  3. So, when you feel the birth of emotion , before you lose your head, try to decide what you feel: anger, fear, jealousy, joy. The main thing - do not put them down.
  4. Keep a journal "Control of thoughts and emotions", in which you write down the situations and the accompanying emotions that happened in your life. This makes it possible to study yourself better. Moreover, find time during the day to analyze what your thoughts were occupied before you started to tear and throw.
  5. Having determined your own emotional state, come up with several options to get out of the situation.
  6. At the moment of making a decision that helps to understand how to act, being in captivity of emotions, get a list of what you will always be guided by. So, it can be personal principles, sound logic, goals, which is above all, etc.
  7. In the event that you want to get over negative emotions, you should, first of all, or change your attitude, realizing that there are things that you can not change, or find in everything a positive side.