Psychology of men - books

Everyone who at least acquainted with psychology, knows that the principles of thinking of men and women are very different. In order to build a normal relationship, a woman needs to understand how her partner's mind is organized. You can learn this either by a long and painful trial, or by simply reading the best books about male psychology.

The best books about male psychology

We bring to your attention books on male psychology for women that will help you better understand the representatives of the stronger sex and more effectively build relationships with them:

  1. "Women who love too much" Norwood Robin . This book tells about one of the most frequent and acute problems of women in relation to men. If for you love always means suffering, this book is definitely worth reading to you. It is written for everyone who falls in love "not in those" - in men who do not care about you, who are drug addicts, alcoholics or donzhuans. After reading this book, you will leave the path of destructive love.
  2. "The language of the man-woman relationship" Alan and Barbara Pease . Among the books on male psychology, this one stands out clearly - it talks about how to find a common language with the opposite sex, with which there are so many physical and mental differences. Practical advice from this book helps and to establish relations in the family, and to master the technique of conflict-free communication .
  3. "Men from Mars, women from Venus" Gray John . This is one of the most popular books about male psychology in relationships. She talks about the difference in the perception of a woman and a man, and helps people of both sexes understand each other much better. When you master the common language with the partner, you will no longer have reasons for quarrels and misunderstandings.
  4. "To promise is not to marry, or you just do not like him" G. Berendet, L. Tuchillo . List of the best books on psychology men can not do without this ingenious product of two authors. The book helps a woman open her eyes and not build illusions about a man. If you were afraid of confessing yourself to something earlier, now this problem will not exist in your life.
  5. "Do as a woman, think like a man" Steve Harvey . This book gained wide popularity thanks to its author, witty comedian and TV presenter, and further success was fixed with the help of the eponymous film. The book tells how to find and retain a worthy companion.

Finding half an hour a day to read these five books, you will save a very long time, giving up hopeless relationships, quarrels and scandals.