Help me survive the grief

Life sometimes presents us with unpleasant surprises. Tests that have to be overcome are very sad and tragic. We can not influence certain circumstances. If you can, help to overcome the grief of another person who needs your support. This is the highest measure of human nobility and soulfulness.

How to survive grief?

In order not to happen, it is important not to lose one's mind. There is a very wise saying that God does not give a person more than he can endure. If there has been a disaster in your life, it is necessary to proceed as follows:

How to help a child survive grief?

Children take everything very close to heart. If they are brought up in austerity and they have a high degree of responsibility, then even the smallest "blunder" for them is very painful.

Parents love children not for "something", but simply love everything. Not always children feel it. Afraid to disappoint and upset mom and dad, suddenly break up? You can not allow the appearance of such thoughts from your child. Fear is not the right method of raising a child. To instill a sense of its significance for parents, to show respect for him is the most important thing. Support, understanding and mutual trust - this is the only way to make a child happy.

In order for a child to survive a grievous grief, it is important to let him know that he is not alone. Find out what happened, analyze the situation. To ignore and avoid talking about what happened is not a solution. Find positive moments that, if you look closely, are present in every situation and under any circumstances. Tell him that everything passes. And this will also pass.

Remember that together we can go through a great grief. Be a support for each other and take care of life.