Fetometry of the fetus by week

For the entire period of gestation, the woman is faced with many studies. One of these is the so-called fetometry of the fetus. It is a procedure for measuring the indicators of a child's physical development in different periods of pregnancy, which then are compared with the fetometric rate of the fetus. This research is being carried out during the ultrasound examination, i.e. using the same equipment. Therefore, many women think that they are conducting a routine ultrasound.

What parameters are taken into account in fetometry?

As already mentioned above, this study is aimed at determining individual characteristics of the development of the baby in the womb. This takes into account:

So, the most informative up to 34-35 weeks are such indicators as hip length, abdominal circumference, biparental size. However, other development indicators are also taken into account.

How is the procedure of fetometry carried out?

The very manipulation is no different from the usual ultrasound. Pregnant are offered to lie down on the couch and bare the belly. Using a special sensor that produces ultrasonic waves, the doctor performs a fetal examination. At the same time, special attention is paid to the above parameters. Measuring them is carried out directly with the help of computer equipment. The doctor only the sensor indicates the beginning and end of the measured part of the body.

To assess the circumference of the head, several images are taken in different projections.

How is the evaluation of the results obtained?

To decipher the indicators of the fetometry performed by the fetus, the doctor uses a table in which all the values ​​of the norm are written down for weeks. Despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in comparing the results with the above data, the analysis should only be done by a doctor. After all, these are average indicators, and perhaps a slight deviation from the norm, which is not always a violation.

So, for example, according to the table, when carrying out fetometry of the fetus at week 20, the following values ​​should normally be fixed:

The above values ​​of indices of intrauterine fetal development correspond to the norm. When the lower or upper limit is exceeded, they speak of the development of a violation.

Why is fetometry necessary?

Fetometry of the fetus, carried out for weeks of pregnancy, plays an important role in the diagnosis of intrauterine growth disorders. Analyzing the data obtained, as a result of this procedure, the doctor can establish the presence of any deviation from the norm.

So, if a violation is discovered that can subsequently lead to fetal death (hydrocephalus, tumor, etc.), an abortion can be performed in the early stages of pregnancy according to the indications.

At later stages of pregnancy, the purpose of carrying out fetometry of the fetus is the establishment of development indicators. So, if the fruit is large, with a large circumference of the head, a planned caesarean section can be prescribed. It is performed to exclude the likelihood of complications such as gaps in the perineum, and also to prevent injury to the baby while passing through the birth canal.

Thus, fetometry is one of the most important manipulations performed during pregnancy. It is with the help of this method that it is possible to establish violations in the early stages, with a view to further adjusting them.