Baby Chester

With the concept of "baby schauer" is familiar to a huge number of mothers in Europe and the US. In the Russian-speaking countries, the tradition to hold a party a few days before the birth of the future baby is not too popular yet, but every year more and more girls and women decide to arrange such a holiday.

"Baby Schauer" has a number of features that must be taken into account during the organization of this event. In this article, we will tell you how to properly hold a baby shawer party, and we will offer several ideas for the design and conduct of this holiday.

The essence of the "baby schauer" holiday

"Baby shower", or "infant shower", is a party that is arranged by close friends for a woman who will soon become a mother. The event must necessarily be held outside the walls of the house of the future mother, for example, in an apartment with one of her friends. At the same time, the culprit of the celebration can not be told until the last, where exactly and on what occasion she was invited - this should be an unexpected surprise.

Among the participants of the holiday there must necessarily be women who already knew the joy of motherhood, as well as childless friends of the future mother. The event should be extraordinarily kind and cheerful, because it is held on the eve of a joyful event that can change the life of the culprit of the celebration.

To ensure that girls and women do not get bored, various contests and jokes are arranged for "baby schauer", and in some cases a professional presenter is invited to conduct them. However, his role can take on one of her friends, if she is good at entertaining the audience. Finally, the crown of the event should be the delivery of gifts that will be pleasing to the future mother and will be useful to her while caring for the baby.

How to decorate a baby shauer?

To create a festive atmosphere in the venue of the event, it should be decorated accordingly. As a rule, for this purpose multi-colored balloons are used, hung around the room or released under the ceiling. Also, small and large dolls, soft toys and any other items that in one way or another are associated with the theme of motherhood can be used as decoration elements.

Particular attention is paid to a chair or chair, on which a woman will sit in an "interesting" position. It should be decorated with bright colored fabric, ribbons, bows or any other means, but so that when entering the room you can unmistakably guess where exactly the culprit of the celebration should be located.

What to give to "baby schauer"?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, "baby shauer" is given objects that will be necessary for a future mother to care for an infant after his birth. These can be clothes, nipples and bottles, a breast pump, a set of baby bed linens, cosmetics for the care of newborns, toys and so on.

However, on this holiday you can give and any other things that will be pleasant for a pregnant woman and give her positive emotions. At the beginning of the event, all participants put presents in a specially designated place, and in the process hand them to their future mother, accompanying the transmission with cheerful jokes and wishes.

Contests for "baby schauer"

To the holiday was fun and interesting and gave the future mother a lot of positive emotions, it must be accompanied by fun games and contests, for example, such:

  1. "Guess-ka!". To conduct this game, each participant of the event must bring her own child's photo at a certain age. All pictures are laid out in one place and numbered. After that, the girls must guess who is on which photo is depicted, and write down their answers on a piece of paper. The one who has the most matches will win.
  2. "Name for the baby." This game can be not only fun, but also useful. One of the participants is guessing the name that she wants to offer for the baby's future, and remembers which of the famous people was called that way. Other girls have to guess what it was she was asking, asking suggestive questions, to which only "yes" or "no" can be answered.

Our photo gallery will help you decorate the place of the celebration and create the appropriate atmosphere in it: