Cheshutsya lips - a sign

You know what your lips may be itchy - people's omens give answers to this question and tell you what to expect in this phenomenon.

What is the itchy lips - folk signs

The most frequent variant of the answer is the assumption that in a short time the person who has the itching lips will kiss someone. Moreover, it is important to know which lip is itching, and, depending on it, to consider the forthcoming nature of kisses .

  1. If people have upper lip scratches, the sign warns that one should be ready for passionate kisses, while giving such kisses will be the one whose lips it itches.
  2. If the lower lip is scratched, you should expect to meet with a friend and rely on friendly kisses.
  3. The lower lip can be itchy if you have to kiss a child that you probably have not seen or missed for a long time.
  4. Folk wisdom explains what it means if your lips are scratched, and you have a long journey. In this case, as it is commonly believed, one of those who are familiar to you or someone from close relatives is sure to meet on your way. The world is small, so with a loved one you can meet unexpectedly and away from home.
  5. Often asked why her lips are itching. Signs indicate that she will soon romantic date, during which romantic kisses will necessarily follow.
  6. It happens that the lip first itches, and then ceases to itch. This means that in the very near future you will have a pleasant meeting, however, it will have to wait a little.
  7. There are other interpretations to which the woman's lips are scraped. According to popular beliefs, she can expect a pleasant surprise or a small gift, perhaps even edible: delicious chocolate, cakes, cake or favorite fruit.
  8. People's signs say that the more the lips are scratched, the sooner the time of kisses will come. In addition, strongly flaky lips can portend a very early meeting, which will be accompanied by hugs and kisses.

However, do not forget that lips are itchy, as a rule, not just so, and, perhaps, it is related to your state of health. Itching on the lips can be associated with an allergy to a particular product. Often, the itching on the lips is an indicator that soon they may have herpes - a sign of a cold or infectious disease, therefore, paying attention to the signs, do not forget about your health.