Signs of the Savior on August 19

The last month of the summer - August - is rich in Spas. The first Savior is called in the people by the Honey, the next - by Apple, and the third by Orekhov.

Every year on August 19, the Apple Savior or the Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated - one of the favorite festivities. Spas successfully combines folk and Orthodox customs. It was believed that on this day it is impossible to work in the field, it is necessary to say goodbye to songs and folk festivals in the summer. Fairs and markets were arranged in the Apple Savior, where carts were brought to the top filled with apples, pears, plums, grapes.

People's signs for the Savior on August 19

  1. According to the signs, on August 19, those who had gardens regaled children, the elderly, the poor and all passers-by, apples and dishes from them. At Apple Blossom it was decided to cook pies, charlottes, jams, jam, pastille and share it with loved ones. If during the manufacture of the pie, cracks formed on its top, this meant that someone close will go on the road.
  2. From year to year people consecrate in the church fruits of apples and other fruits and berries. This is similar to the blessing of Easter cakes.
  3. From that day, according to popular signs, it was considered to be the beginning of the turn for the autumn - the first autumn. "The Apple Saved summer leaves us."
  4. The apples, consecrated on this day, are endowed with special properties of the fulfillment of desires.
  5. If August 19, according to the signs, someone touches a fly twice, this person will be lucky the whole next year.
  6. This day foreshadowed the weather for the autumn, if it was raining during the day, then the fall will be quite damp. A sunny day, according to signs, foreshadows a dry autumn and a frosty winter. "The Second Savior was wearing a fur coat," the ancestors observed.
  7. What the weather for Spas - August 19 - this will be the Pokrov, October 14.
  8. If you do not try apple fruits before the Savior, and on August 19, eat an apple sprinkled with honey, and at the same time to conceive a desire, it will necessarily be fulfilled.
  9. If a spider descends while collecting apples, wait for good news.
  10. According to custom, on August 19, widespread eating of peas began.
  11. Spas started harvesting spring wheat, and sowing winter rye. "The Apple Savior has come - take the mittens in reserve."
  12. After the Savior, the cranes flew to the warm regions. In the event that birds are going to fly a week before the Savior, it means early winter.
  13. In the Apple Blossom, according to the signs, the season of weddings was opening. The wedding that day promised a happy, long family life. By the way, a green apple is considered a cradle for a new marriage life, because it is a symbol of fidelity and happiness .

These signs and traditions are relevant to this day. Remained memories of how people existed, how they believed in nature and its power.