Brazil nut - good and bad

For many people, the Brazil nut is still exotic. The majority heard about it, but rarely can anyone tell exactly what exactly this product represents. Very few people can say anything concrete about the benefits and harms of a Brazil nut, but these fruits, which possess a mass of valuable properties, deserve more attention.

Despite its name, the Brazil nut is growing not only in Brazil. This plant, still known as the Bertheleta, can also be found in Peru, Venezuela, Colombia and other Latin American countries. Therefore, it is sometimes called an American nut. The plant is a tree with considerable dimensions and height over forty meters. In addition, it is a long-liver, and its age can reach five hundred and even thousands of years. The fruits of the berthelet are very large and can weigh up to two kilograms, although the kernel of the nut itself is somewhat smaller in size and mass.

Composition and useful properties of Brazil nuts

Despite the rarity and not the lowest price, the Brazilian-American nut gradually becomes popular among us admirers of the healthy eating system. Although dieticians still often discuss the benefits and harms of the Brazil nut, many of its valuable properties are no longer in doubt.

The benefits of the Brazil nut are due to its composition. According to the scientific botanical classification, it refers to grains, like wheat or oats, and therefore has a characteristic for grains set of active substances and properties. The Brazil nut has a lot of fiber , it is nutritious and has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. In addition, it also contains:

Since the fruits of the bertheletia are rich in fats, they are very high in calories, about 685 kcal / 100 grams. Because of the high caloric content, it is recommended that the Brazil nut is eaten moderately, despite the fact that it is very useful.

Brazil nut is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology, because this product is able to have a curative effect in a variety of cases. It optimizes the level of cholesterol and blood sugar, so it is used as a component of remedies for diabetics. The fruit of beretileti is an excellent strengthening agent, it provides powerful support to the immune system, adds strength, helps fight the chronic fatigue syndrome, nervousness and nervous exhaustion. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, relieves constipation. It is very useful Brazilian nut for women, because it has a rejuvenating effect. To do this, it can be included in the diet , as well as used in different masks and creams. But for men, it is no less valuable, because it can act as a preventative against cancer prostate and erectile dysfunction.

Harm to Brazil nuts

In addition to useful substances, the fruits of the bertholety contain a radioactive element of radium. And although its quantity is very small, but for this reason there are nuts in large quantities should not be. Sufficient daily rate - one or two pieces.

Shells of Brazil nuts contain aflatoxins that are capable of causing liver cancer, so the fruit should be thoroughly cleaned before use. Nuts can become a source of allergy, especially if a person already has a similar reaction to other nut varieties or exotic fruits.