A city person, as a rule, is constantly in a stressful situation: this is work, and loans, and the need to meet a lot of requirements from various sides, and a busy schedule. It is important to be able to recognize the signs of nervous stress in order to have time to neutralize it, while it is still possible.
Even now, when psychology as a science is developed quite well, the signs and mechanism of the course of stress are still a complex issue. The fact is that stress is a deeply subjective phenomenon, and what is relevant for one person can be quite irrelevant for another. This is easily confirmed by a simple example: it is known that many people "seize the stress." However, along with this, there are many people who can not eat and lose weight in a stressful situation.
So, let's consider those signs that can manifest themselves in different combinations in humans.
1. Intellectual signs of stress:
- problems with remembering new information;
- problems with concentration of attention;
- forgetfulness, lack of organization;
- constant anxiety;
- anxiety or jumps of thoughts;
- a mess that does not excite;
- difficulties in making a decision;
- short-sightedness;
- insomnia, nightmares;
- pessimism;
- anxious dreams.
2. Emotional signs of stress:
- frequent bouts of crying or thoughts of suicide;
- anxiety, guilt;
- depression and a sense of unhappiness;
- capriciousness;
- irritability or short temper;
- anger, disappointment, hostility;
- sudden panic attacks;
- a sense of loneliness and isolation;
- impossibility to relax;
- depression, frequent mood swings;
- a feeling of congestion;
- anxiety, nervousness;
- excessive reaction to little trouble.
3. Physiological signs of stress:
- pain in the neck, back pain, muscle spasms;
- urticaria, goose bumps, rashes, itching;
- chest pain, fast heartbeat;
- clenching of jaws, creaking with teeth;
- unexplained and frequent allergies;
- cold or sweaty hands, feet;
- dry mouth, difficult swallowing;
- fatigue, lethargy, weakness;
- nausea and dizziness;
- loss of sexual desire;
- frequent reddening and sweating;
- diarrhea or constipation;
- frequent urination;
- heartburn, abdominal pain;
- pain and suffering;
- eructations and flatulence;
- labored breathing;
- frequent colds;
- trembling of feet, hands, or lips;
- ringing and buzzing in the ears;
- stuttering.
4. Behavioral signs of stress:
- lie or excuse in difficult situations;
- obsessive or compulsive behavior;
- decreased productivity;
- neglect of official and other duties;
- excessive protection or suspicion;
- use of alcohol, smoking, drugs;
- quick or mumbling speech;
- gambling or impulsive shopping;
- problems with communication;
- too long or short sleep;
- excess in food or malnutrition;
- self-isolation from other people
Signs of severe stress, as a rule, consist in an abundance of symptoms at all levels, as well as their high degree of intensity.