Celebrities are always under the scrutiny of ubiquitous journalists, so any changes in their figure or appearance do not go unnoticed. It is worth knowing the singer or actress appear in public with a rounded tummy, as immediately in the press there are rumors and speculation about a possible pregnancy of the star.
Recently, the subject of general discussion was the changed figure of Rihanna . The 28-year-old Barbados diva has never been skinny, however, now she is very much recovered, and concert clothing can not hide the extra pounds of the star. In addition, other changes in the life of the singer prompted journalists about the possible pregnancy of journalists.
Is Rihanna expecting a baby?
Rumors about the fact that Rihanna was pregnant appeared in April 2016 after a concert in Vancouver, where the singer appeared on the scene noticeably recovered. Although the star had previously been overweight, Rihanna's tummy has always remained flat . Today, the celebrity appears in public with a rounded belly that can not be hidden with the help of loose clothes.
In addition, according to insiders, recently RieRe completely excluded her life of alcohol, refused cigarettes and did not even touch marijuana, to which the singer used to be very indifferent. All this, undoubtedly, indicates that in the life of Rihanna there have been major changes and, perhaps, in a few months the star will really become a mother.
The celebrity itself and its representatives do not confirm or refute this information, so many fans of the singer and journalists still need only wait for the appearance of official comments.
Who is the father of the future baby?
However, journalists and fans are interested in the answer not only to the question of whether Rihanna is pregnant, but who is the father of the future baby. Insiders are considering two candidates for possible paternity - the former beloved singer rapper Drake and the famous Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
Relations between Leo and RieRi have long been the subject of discussion. The stars were repeatedly credited with an ardent and passionate romance, and more recently they were seen together at the music festival Coachella. The girl and the young man looked like a couple in love and very gently addressed to each other.
It is worth noting that in mid-2015 in the media already appeared information that Rihanna was pregnant by Leonardo DiCaprio. An article about the "interesting" position of the singer appeared in the French magazine Oops !. The publication claimed not only that the Barbadian diva is waiting for the child, but also that Leo is not going to recognize his paternity, and the girl will have to raise her child alone.
Seeing a similar article, DiCaprio came into outrage. Lawyers of the famous actor sued the "yellow" magazine with a demand to refund Leonardo 18 thousand euros, as well as publish a refutation of false information. Celebrity representatives managed to win litigation, but the amount that the magazine reimbursed was significantly reduced to 8,000 euros.
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The owner of the magazine during the trial argued that his journalists thought that Rihanna was pregnant, but were not sure about the information they were providing. Who knows, maybe the situation is repeated now, because there were no official comments confirming the "interesting" position of the singer from the star itself or its representatives.
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