How do I fix a lightning if it breaks?

Probably everyone, at least once got into a situation when the lightning on a jacket or a boot did not break at the right time, but how to fix it if it does not differ. You can certainly give a thing to repair and pick it up in a couple of days, but it's not at all relevant, if it's the only boots, and you have to leave in 10 minutes.

How to fix the lock with a zip?

If we are dealing with a castle that has split up, then most likely the reason for its divergence is in an open dog. It can deteriorate if the lock is fastened too tightly, is constantly in a strained condition or the thing has been in use for more than one year. First, the lock will need to be leveled, that is, put the slider in the very beginning, and afterwards start to resuscitate it.

In order to correct the situation, we need pliers. With their help you need to squeeze the dog on both sides, while making a small effort. If the runner is squeezed too hard, it will stop moving at all, and in the worst case it will burst.

But if the slider still does not combine teeth in a particular place, then there may be a reason in them. Carefully looking at the place where the lightning begins to diverge, you can find out that the nylon denticles are straightened out, and the metal ones can stand crooked. Try to fix this position.

Plastic teeth can be tried carefully with a thick fishing line and such a lightning will still serve for a while. And if the lock is metal, then it's even easier to cope with its breakdown - it's enough to take a tweezer and put the "tooth" in place with a simple turn. Diverges, lightning can and because of the tight stroke of the runner. To make it more light and smooth, the lock in the closed state is rubbed on both sides with a paraffin candle and several times unfastened and fasten the zipper. Excess paraffin wiped off with a brush.

Lightning is unbuttoned - how to fix it?

It is not always possible to "negotiate" with lightning. She is especially problematic on jeans and always strives to unbutton. In this case, you can resort to a little trick. This requires a small ring, which is slightly larger than the diameter of the button on the jeans - this can be found on the keychain.

The ring is inserted into the loop of the runner and when the zipper is buttoned up to the top, it is put on the button. Thus, this design remains invisible to the eyes of others and protects you from trouble in the form of unbuttoned fly.