Effect of color on a person

Color is what brings diversity to our lives. Existence in a colorless world would be as dull as the possibility of experiencing only one emotion throughout life, and therefore these two concepts are interrelated. The effect of color on the human body as a whole consists of a huge number of factors of influence, which we will consider below.

The influence of color on the health and mood of a person is a long-established fact and we know at the subconscious level how to apply it to life. Color preferences make us individual, giving our personality, special energy. The influence of color on the perception of our personality is very significant, since a person dressed in all black from the first minutes of acquaintance is unlikely to perceive as cheerful and cheerful, but rather on the contrary cautiously and with caution. Bright clothes attracts the eyes and shows that its owner likes to be in the center of attention, which means that he is very open and sociable.

Investigating the influence of color on appetite, scientists came to the conclusion that the optimal solution for decorating the kitchen or dining room is yellow, it stimulates the digestive system robot, improves the processes of digesting food.

Effect of color on performance

In the working room, the color solution of any small things can affect the performance.

  1. Let's start with the lighting. In any office premises it should be warm, as cold fluorescent light only irritates workers and in no way contributes to the increase in the level of work capacity.
  2. Wall decoration. During working hours, the optimal color scheme of the walls is yellow-green tones.
  3. Floor. Color solutions for floor coverings should be standard, without any exotics, because, for example, flooring with a seabed effect will distract employees from performing their duties.

Psychological influence of color

The influence of color on a person's emotions, as well as on his mental state, can be different.

  1. Bright hues. Light colors of any colors create a feeling of ease, ease, comfort for a person.
  2. The colors of the sea wave. Shades of green, blue contribute to relaxation and reduction emotional stress.
  3. Bright colors. Orange, yellow, red cause violent emotional reactions, such as excitement, joy, delight.
  4. Dark colors. Black, dark shades of brown, gray, purple have a depressing effect on the human nervous system.

Of course, for example, the business style of clothing involves the use of black colors, and you will not be able to completely eliminate such things from your wardrobe, but try to use them as rarely as possible during rest and at home.