Narcissistic personality disorder

Everyone remembers from the school program the legend of Narcissus - a beautiful young man who has blazed with love for his own reflection and who died from an unrequited feeling . Now the word "narcissus" in psychology is a common noun, describing a person who is narcissistic, sincerely considering himself better than others.

Psychology of narcissistic personality disorder

To find out the narcissus is quite simple, its narcissism manifests itself in every gesture, every look. Such a person emphasizes with his every act his own selectivity and non-participation in the main "gray" mass. Characteristic for him are the following points in the behavior.

  1. Sharp reaction to criticism, without even showing their feelings externally, narcissus experiences acute fury, shame and humiliation.
  2. Absolute confidence in their own exclusivity, the expectation of recognition in the absence of painstaking work on themselves.
  3. Friendship and love relationships usually crash because of the desire to use other people for their own purposes.
  4. Confidence in the uniqueness of the problems, and therefore, from ordinary people and help is not to wait, only the most outstanding specialists are able to resolve the situation.
  5. He lives in fantasies about a brilliant career, dizzying glory and love.
  6. He considers his position special, believing that the rest simply must treat him well for no reason.
  7. He needs attention from other people, so there is a tendency to do things "to show", only to get approval.
  8. Constant envy of others' successes.
  9. Inability to sympathize with immersion in their own experiences, so other people's emotions seem insignificant to him.

Naturally, you should not label a person as a "narcissus", discovering only one of the listed signs. You can talk about the disorder only after discovering 5 or more traits.

Treatment of narcissistic personality disorder

As you can understand, it is extremely difficult to communicate with the narcissistic personality, moreover, the person with such disorder is often unhappy. He is constantly in a state of stress, and because of extreme sensitivity to infringement (real or imaginary) of his self-esteem, he is prone to depression , of which he will simply be unable to get out on his own. The worst thing is that narcissistic personality disorder is very difficult to treat. The problem is that such people tend to look for the cause of failure not in themselves, but in others, so they do not address themselves to the therapist, especially for those who have at least a grain of talent to provide themselves with veneration. But even if the narcissus falls on the reception to a specialist, you should not wait for a quick resolution of the problems - the treatment can take several years.