How to cheer up - the best ways to cheer yourself and others

How to cheer yourself or a loved one? Is there a universal way? If he were, all people were equally joyful, but do not be afraid of bad mood or sadness - they are also needed for personal growth and awareness of their feelings. Bad, when a sad mood tightens.

How to cheer up when it's at zero?

Gloomy periods are at each person, and there is a question how to lift to itself mood if all is bad? To begin with, it is important to realize that now it is so, but this is a temporary period, and there is always a way out, give yourself some time in this mood, but do not get bogged down. If you can not cope on your own, it's important to ask your friends and relatives for help and try and try different ways.

How to cheer yourself up at home?

Home chores and everyday routines will plunge anyone into despair, but this should not be left to chance. How to cheer yourself up quickly at home, ways:

How quickly to cheer yourself up at work?

How to cheer yourself up quickly in the routine of a working day to feel a surge of energy and a desire to move on, there are several ways:

Ways to cheer up

How to cheer yourself up very quickly? There are a lot of ways and everyone is doing their own thing, but there are universal ways of raising the mood:

Music that cheers up

How to cheer yourself up if different ways do not work? This can be done very easily, with the help of your favorite music. If she's fed up, it's time to change her playlist. How to raise your mood? To do this, you need to turn on the player or radio and start moving in time with the music, the body will tell you how to run a small run, but if you are too lazy , you can get comfortable in bed and immerse yourself in the hearing. Music that improves mood:

Movies that cheer up

How to cheer yourself up if it is spoiled by a quarrel with a loved one, or are things not going smoothly at work or in business? You can watch a movie on the relevant topic, where heroes, overcoming all difficulties, cope and become stronger, better and more beautiful, or comedies that you do not need to think about, but just allow yourself to laugh. The best films for raising the mood:

  1. " The Good Year ." Max is a successful stockbroker, hard and cynical, lives in London, is absorbed in his work. Unexpectedly comes the news of the death of his uncle, who lived in Provence and brought up Max instead of his father. Max inherits his uncle's winery and in order to settle family matters he goes to Provence, where his life during the week changes radically.
  2. " The Lake House ". The film with incomparable Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock will cheer up, because it shows love overcoming the boundaries of time and space.
  3. The Adventures of Paddington . The adventures of an unusual bear cub, who came from the jungle to London, will make even the most gloomy person smile, the film is recommended for family viewing.
  4. " Life can not be boring / Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara ". A bright Indian comedy about three traveling friends, with dances and spectacular scenery.
  5. "The Naked Truth ." She is a refined, intelligent TV presenter, and she has two problems: the ratings of the program are falling and no luck with men. And then He appears, the commentator, who is assigned to her to raise the rating. He is unprincipled, cynical and impudent, but his charisma gathers spectators, and he is also a connoisseur in relations between men and women.

Phrases that lift the mood

Mood - it's like the weather, it often changes, especially in women. In the modern world, real communication is replaced by a virtual one, and this also has its drawbacks, because when the state of melancholy and sadness, it is difficult to convey your emotions through gadgets. Yes, sad emoticons can be sent, but the warmth of the presence of a loved one has not been canceled, and what to do, how to raise a person's mood by correspondence?

You can send him poems that raise mood or encouraging phrases, it's better if they are in their own words and with all their heart, but you can use both phrases of thinkers or from your favorite books and films:

  1. Clouds are needed in order to enjoy the sun more!
  2. A wonderful life begins with beautiful and joyful thoughts!
  3. The woman's arms are not tears, but her smile!
  4. Smiling bad weather, it means to call her smile back in the form of a sun from behind the clouds.
  5. A good mood needs to be ill so that you can infect others around them.

Books that raise the mood

How you can cheer up if there is no strength to do something and start making and dropping your hands. Reading good literature has always had a beneficial effect on the body. Maybe it's time to relax and get carried away by reading an easy, pleasant book, where the main characters fall into comic or difficult life situations and come out of them with dignity, become stronger and more beautiful? Books for raising the mood:

  1. " Diary of Bridget Jones " H. Fielding. The heroine of the book, Bridget, a cheerful girl writes all her sorrows, experiences, trusts him as a friend to her soul in her diary. Bridget falls into a different kind of bindings, which others would make despair and fall into despondency, but Bridget persists to his happiness.
  2. " Wine from dandelions " R. Bradbury. Among the readers of this bestseller is considered the most positive and popular. Juicy and fragrant colors of the summer, filled with sunny warmth and autobiographical events make you smile and cheer up anyone.
  3. " Three in a boat, not counting a dog " by Jerome K. Jerome. Three men and a dog with them go to boat in the Thames, although they do not have the skills to handle a boat. Heroes fall into different funny situations.
  4. " Dona Flor and her two husbands " J. Amadou. Brazilian carnivals, gossip, conversations and in the center she is a famous cook, both of whose marriage did not bring her a woman's happiness, but that if both take a little bit ...
  5. "The Angel in the Air " by L. McCrossan. A light and airy romance about how love comes to life, and not always the things that start to go imperfectly lead to disaster, on the contrary, it is trying to enter something wonderful, which happens to the main character, the radio presenter.

Products that cheer up

The most affordable pleasure for a person is food. Female spokesmen know that chocolate cheers up in a matter of minutes, due to the fact that cocoa beans contain the substance tryptophan, which influences the production of hormones of joy. Yes, what to say, for example, when the weather outside the window is rainy, causing melancholy, or there is no one to talk to? It is necessary to use receptors: smell, touch and taste.

What products can you cheer yourself up with:

How to cheer up a guy?

How to cheer up a loved one or a friend? A strong half of humanity basically tolerates everything in silence, and a man can not show a bad mood, because "guys do not cry!", But they also mope and suffer. Ways to cheer up a man:

How to cheer up a girlfriend?

Women are simpler, they are by their very nature very emotional and encouraging words that raise the mood for a girlfriend told sincerely and with the belief that all for the better, will be the best therapy, sometimes you need to be a vest in which the grieving mood of a girlfriend will revive. How to cheer up - here you can show your imagination. For example, you can arrange a pajama party with watching movies on a romantic theme or in a kind way to wash the stones to enemies.

How to cheer up a friend?

How to raise a person's mood has been presented many ways, but you always need to rely on your inner flair, because you do not always need to strive to improve your mood, by all means, light sadness as a feeling, too, is needed. How to raise the mood discreetly and unobtrusively? Ask a friend what he / she would like to accomplish, if they were in good spirits, let them presume and look at the answer, what can be helped.