Caesar salad with chicken - delicious and simple recipes of the original snack

Caesar salad with chicken is a well-known and many favorite dish. There are different options for its preparation, but each of them has a leaf salad, chicken, grated cheese and spicy dressing, and besides the main ingredients, even mushrooms and pineapples are sometimes added to the dish.

How to prepare Caesar salad with chicken?

Caesar salad with chicken at home is not difficult to cook at all. You can always buy components for it without problems. The main thing in this case is the desire to cook something delicious and unusual, and the recommendations below will help simplify the task.

  1. For crackers it is better to use a white loaf, having cut off from it a crust.
  2. You can chop the chicken with your hands or cut into pieces.
  3. As a dressing use a special dressing or mayonnaise.

Sauce for Caesar with chicken

Refueling for "Caesar" with chicken is very different, like the salad itself. Sometimes it is added with anchovies, and often a special taste of the food is given by a fishy Worcester sauce. To refuel and let the salad come out tasty and satisfying, you need to follow the step-by-step recommendations that are presented below.



  1. Egg for a minute put in boiling water, remove, break and pour into a bowl.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.
  3. After that, you can add the sauce to the salad.

Simple classic Caesar salad with chicken

Classic Caesar salad with chicken and croutons can be cooked very quickly. From salads you can use and iceberg, and romano. If the parmesan was not at hand, you can use another hard grated cheese, but olive oil is desirable not to be replaced, it gives the dish a piquancy.



  1. The loaf is cut into cubes and dried until dried.
  2. Fillet is also fried, salted, peppered.
  3. Yolks with mustard grind, add garlic, lemon juice, vinegar, butter, pepper, salt and stir.
  4. Lettuce leaves are torn to pieces, put fillets and croutons on top, pour sauce and sprinkle Caesar salad with croutons and chicken parmesan.

Caesar salad with smoked chicken

One of the varieties of the popular salad is "Caesar" with smoked chicken . In this case, light mayonnaise is used as a dressing. They can immediately fill the salad, or you can simply serve it separately. It should be borne in mind that crackers from mayonnaise can soften, so they need to be added before serving.



  1. Baton cut into cubes, fry.
  2. Add the garlic, dill and stir into the frying pan.
  3. Chicken is diced, cheese is rubbed on a grater, cabbage is shredded with straws.
  4. Connect the ingredients, and mayonnaise to the salad served separately.

Caesar salad with boiled chicken

"Caesar" with chicken, the recipe of which is presented below, has a delicate, but piquant taste. Chicken in this case is boiled, and the basis for filling is sour cream. Its fat content can be different if you want the dish to be less caloric, it is better to use sour cream 15% fat.



  1. The diced loaf is baked until red.
  2. Lettuce leaves are torn to pieces, add the chicken.
  3. Mix sour cream with mustard, mayonnaise, garlic, add salt.
  4. Dress salad dressing, sprinkle with Parmesan, and toast is served separately.

Caesar salad with grilled chicken

"Caesar" with fried chicken is a very common treat. To fillet was spicy, it is better to rub it with salt and pepper and put in the cold for half an hour, and then grill in a grill. Instead of granular mustard, you can use the usual, but the first option is more preferable.



  1. Diced bread is dried.
  2. Whisk the egg, clove of garlic, butter, mustard, vinegar, salt.
  3. On pieces of salad, place fillets, sauce and croutons with parmesan plates.
  4. On top of the Caesar salad with chicken are placed cherry slices.

"Caesar" with Pekinese cabbage and chicken

Salad "Caesar" with chicken, the recipe of which will be presented further, is prepared not with leaf salads, but with Peking cabbage. This is a very delicate product, but because the salad with it goes no worse than what is presented in the classic version. As a dressing, you can use ordinary mayonnaise.



  1. Pieces of baguette are dried in the oven.
  2. Leaves of Peking cabbage tear into pieces, pour sauce, spread chicken and cherry.
  3. Pour the ingredients with sauce, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, cheese and immediately serve "Caesar" with chicken at home to the table.

Caesar salad with chicken and tomatoes

Caesar salad with cherry tomatoes and chicken is a treat that will decorate an ordinary dinner or a festive feast. The dish looks bright, looks great on the table, and it tastes really good. It is desirable to pre-mar the chicken, and then to fry. Instead of ciabatta, a loaf is also suitable.



  1. Slices of lettuce are placed on a dish.
  2. Ciabattu, cut into cubes, fried in oil with garlic.
  3. For the sauce, the butter is beaten with yolks, mustard, garlic, lemon juice and parmesan.
  4. Pour salad dressing, lay chicken and tomatoes, pour out crunches, cheese and serve.

Caesar salad with chicken and shrimps

"Caesar" with chicken and shrimp - a dish though unusual, but very tasty and satisfying. Shrimp in this case it is better to choose large - tiger or royal. A special piquancy to this dish will be provided by a sauce prepared with the addition of anchovies. Instead of cherry tomatoes can be used.



  1. The diced baguette is dried in an oven.
  2. Yolk whisk with lemon juice, pour in oil, add garlic, ground with anchovies.
  3. Shrimp fry.
  4. In a bowl, lettuce leaves, cherry, chicken with sauce are mixed.
  5. Top of the list are crackers, shrimps and grated Parmesan.

Caesar salad with chicken with mayonnaise - recipe

Caesar salad with mayonnaise and chicken is just as good as the version where a special egg-based sauce is used. To make the food come out easier and more gentle, mayonnaise is recommended to use light. If you use conventional tomatoes, it is better to choose fruits of dense varieties of cream type.



  1. Fillet and lettuce leaves are torn to pieces, eggs cut in half, and tomatoes - cubes.
  2. Combine all the ingredients, add mayonnaise, garlic and stir.
  3. On top, put the rusks and sprinkle a simple Caesar salad with chicken grated cheese.

Caesar salad with chicken and pineapple

The recipe for "Caesar" with chicken at home can be improved as much as desired. In this case, to the classical components is added pineapple, it makes the taste of the dish brighter and more interesting. Those who are not afraid to experiment, and who like unusual combinations of products, will appreciate the salad.



  1. Grated with salt and fried with pepper.
  2. Cubes baked bake until red.
  3. Garlic is ground with yolk, add lemon juice, mustard, butter and whisk.
  4. Salad leaves are torn with hands, poured with sauce.
  5. On the grater tinder Parmesan.
  6. Separately, pieces of pineapple, chicken and croutons are combined.
  7. Place the mass on salad leaves, pour sauce and sprinkle Caesar salad with chicken grated cheese and serve.

Caesar with chicken and mushrooms

"Caesar" with chicken at home is very satisfying and tasty, if you add fried champignons. Chicken fillet will be more juicy, if it is first marinated, and then a whole piece of fry. And already ready meat to disassemble the fibers. Parmesan in the recipe can be replaced with other hard cheese.



  1. Fry the cubes of the loaf in oil with garlic.
  2. Fillets and champignons are fried there.
  3. Yolks are ground with mustard, garlic, salt, butter and lemon juice.
  4. Put the leaves of lettuce, chicken, mushrooms on the dish, pour the sauce over it.
  5. Place the rusks, sprinkle Caesar salad with mushrooms and chicken cheese, spread the pieces of cherry and serve.