Year of the Dragon - Characteristic

The Dragon corresponds to such birth years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. In China, the dragon is an honored being that symbolizes strength and luck. Therefore, it is not surprising that people born this year are distinguished by their imperious nature and mind. They are very easy to distinguish from the crowd, as they literally emit energy and attract attention.

Characteristics born in the year of the Dragon

Such people perfectly feel themselves in any environment, as they are confident in themselves and their skills. Dragons have a great sense of humor, so it's no surprise that the expression "the soul of the company" fully corresponds to them. Another bright character trait is curiosity, so a person born this year has many different hobbies and hobbies. Uniting the mind, talent and self-confidence, the Dragon is a wonderful conversationalist, which is always interesting and fun. Many people consider these people to be real lucky people who can get what they want without much effort. Another defining characteristic for the year of the Dragon is sincerity. Such people will never use someone for their own purposes, and weave behind intrigue. Despite the breadth of his soul, it is very difficult for Dragon to find a common language with others, as many envy and deceive him. Because of his trustfulness, he often finds himself in difficult situations, which he endures courageously and calmly. Because of their straightforwardness, such people often provoke conflicts . Possessing huge potential and energy with the right goal, the Dragon can reach huge heights and easily realize cherished dreams.

Careers for those born in the year of the Dragon is important, as this is a great opportunity to show your potential. Interestingly, such people can find their place in almost any direction. Most of all, they are attracted to responsible positions, since managing people is quite simple and even interesting. Colleagues and subordinates recognize the authority of such a boss and work as a well-coordinated mechanism. For the Dragon in the work, freedom of action and constant development are of great importance, since monotony can make people change their occupation without any doubts. The best directions for the realization of personality: jurisprudence, religion, art, business, medicine and cinema.

As for the love relationship, people born in the year of the Dragon often show their inconstancy. Such people are easily carried away, therefore they are characterized by a frequent change of partners. They, like a boa constrictor fascinate their victim, but discovering at least some disadvantages, the relationship quickly ends. In general, love for such people is equated with the game. The ideal partner is a person who gives freedom and takes the main position in the relationship.

Chinese compatibility horoscope for the Year of the Dragon

Dragon-Rat . Such an alliance can be considered ideal, as there is complete mutual understanding between the partners.

Dragon-Bull . Such relations are characterized by transience, because the struggle for primacy is constantly being conducted.

Dragon-Tiger . A fairly promising alliance, as the two strong partners complement each other.

Dragon-Rabbit . Such a relationship can be successful if both partners compromise.

Dragon Dragon . A union of two strong people, between which spiritual and spiritual intimacy is established.

Dragon-Snake . The union can be perfect, but it all depends on the wisdom of the Serpent. The dragon admires and is proud of his partner.

Dragon-Horse . Because of the significant difference in the characters, the union is considered to be unpromising.

Dragon-goat . Such a relationship is fleeting, because Goat, and can not make a partner happy.

Dragon-Monkey . Due to the fact that people complement each other, the union is considered excellent.

Dragon-Rooster . Such relations have prospects, but only if partners can find a common language.

Dragon-Dog . Between such people there will be constant conflicts, which will lead to parting.

Dragon-Pig . As partners can distinguish important qualities from each other, the union will last a long time.