Woman-Rooster and Man-Rooster - Compatibility

The year of birth affects a person no less than the date. However, with the definition of such a sign, there is confusion: the Chinese New Year is celebrated in February-March, because of which people who were born in the first half of the year need to clarify whether their date of birth refers to the year of the Rooster or to the previous (or subsequent) sign . We consider the characteristics of a woman and a male-Rooster and their compatibility.

Woman-Rooster - compatibility and character

A woman, born in the year of the Rooster, loves herself and knows how to present herself. She has a wonderful taste, she is practical, attractive and dreamy. She has organizational skills, and she carefully follows the order in the house. She has many interests: she can have several jobs at once and do a dozen projects, and all this is done qualitatively.

Despite the fact that she is beautiful and is a wonderful mistress, she is sometimes difficult to find a partner: she is too emotional and quick-tempered. In addition, she likes to lead relationships.

Man born in the year of the Rooster

This man is distinguished by a great desire for family and love. A man born in the year of the Rooster does not mind being at the center of attention of beauties, but his wife will always be more important to him than all this. He will not draw near to those who have not sunk into his soul.

This man is very conservative in his thoughts and in his deeds. For him, the most important thing is to provide his home, his family with everything necessary so that his loved ones are surrounded by care and prosperity. However, he can not be called a spender, he never makes useless spending. Because of this, the compatibility of the male Rooster suffers, because he places romantic gifts and entertainments strictly in this category. However, without a mistress in the house, he will never remain, because otherwise he is soft and trustful.

Compatibility of female Rooster and male Rooster

Two, born in the year of the Rooster, can coexist together if one of them decides to make concessions. Without this, not a single relationship will be obtained, and it is worth acknowledging. In general, their life will be peaceful and calm, because they look at the world in the same way, and they will hardly have to find out anything on emotions . These partners seldom part because the union is based on sincere feelings.

People born under the sign of the Rooster, exactly follow the proverb: "In a strange eye the mote is visible, but in its own and do not notice the logs." This can lead to conflict, at the center of which any question can arise, whether it be the upbringing of children or household habits.

However, a man in such an alliance will not mind if a woman starts to lead it, especially if it concerns only the sphere of the household.

Horoscope of Cock Compatibility

Consider the compatibility of people born under the sign of Rooster, with other representatives of the eastern horoscope:

Of course, not all character determines the year of birth, but take into account some features yet worth it.