Dress for the wedding of the son for the mother

Everyone knows that the main focus of the wedding is on the bride and groom. But parents also play an important role in the ceremony, so their outfits should be carefully selected.

Dresses for the wedding of his son

With festive clothes for the pope, everything is clear - a good suit, a light shirt and a tie, and the solidity of the image is assured. But my mother will have to work on her way, because it is important to observe a number of rules when choosing a dress:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to wear too short dresses. Even if the mother has the perfect silhouette, the wedding of the son is not the reason to show his figure. It is better to give preference to a dress in the floor, midi or just above the knee.
  2. Too narrow, tight fitting dress is also an unfortunate option. Mom at the wedding will have to move - a lot to communicate with guests, dance, participate in competitions, and stiffness in the movements will interfere with all this.
  3. The dress for the wedding of the son should not be too bright, black or white. Salad dresses, crimson outfits will look ludicrous and attract too much attention, white, as is known, the color of a young bride and do not need to compete with her, black is the color of mourning, it will be inappropriate to look at the groom's mother.
  4. Deep décolletage is feminine, indisputable. But at the wedding, my mother, first of all, is associated with care, nobility, so this element should still be avoided. Similarly, it will be unfortunate to look in the attire of a corset or a high incision.

Models of elegant dresses for women for the wedding of her son

What kind of dress to wear for the wedding of her son, to look stylish and modern? In fact, there are quite a few such models:

  1. The dress in Empire style will suit most middle-aged women - an overstated waist will hide the tummy, folds on the skirt gently "drape" the flaws of the figure. Fat hands can be hidden with a light scarf.
  2. A dress-case is a style for all time. In addition, that in such a beautiful dress for the wedding of her son, any mommy will look very dignified, this outfit can be considered also practical - it will suit for other reasons.
  3. Evening dress for the wedding of his son can have a fashionable A-silhouette . By the way, it need not be sewn from light fabric. Thick material will look more elegant and hide the flaws of the figure.

On the dress for the wedding of the son for the mother is not worth saving. Mom's image is imprinted not only in memory, but will remain in photographs - the young will be pleased to show their guests and future children a beautiful and fashionable mother.