Cough from a cough - recipe

Feces of viburnum for colds are a universal remedy. The berries have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antimicrobial properties, besides, they facilitate the withdrawal of phlegm. Leaves and flowers have a general strengthening effect and help to remove toxins from the body. Depending on the form in which vaginal cough is used, the prescription medication may be slightly different.

Features of the use of cold water for colds and coughs

How to make a viburnum from a cough is a matter of taste. Someone prefers to grind berries with sugar, someone likes a decoction on honey. There will also be those who opted for healing curative tea. Of all these drugs are most useful drugs that are prepared from fresh berries and do not involve heat treatment. It is enough to crush a handful of Kalina in a mortar, add a little honey and pour warm water - that's the simplest and most effective recipe. For those who want to prepare the medicine for future use, it is possible to offer a more complicated procedure of preparation, which will allow the berries to retain their healing properties for a long time.

Prescription means

Necessary ingredients:


You can wash the viburnum berries, dry them, free them from the twigs. Root the ginger root from the skin. Scroll through the meat grinder and ginger, squeeze the resulting juice. Add honey, pour into a glass jar. Close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

Take this medicine for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Other recipes with cough from the cough

The recipe for viburnum with honey from cough, suggested above, does not suit those to whom only dried berries are available, or a pharmacy collection of twigs and leaves. In this case, it will be most expedient to prepare a potassium brew.

The recipe for broth

Necessary ingredients:


The berries of the viburnum are washed in running water, pour natural with steep boiling water, cover and warm over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Wrap up with a towel, cool. Honey should be added immediately before use.

Take the broth for 1 glass 2 times a day for a week.

Tea from kalinovyh twigs and leaves to cook even easier - enough to pour in a thermos 2-3 st. spoons of raw materials, pour boiling water and insist 2-3 hours. You can drink like regular tea.

If you have decided to treat a cold and cough of viburnum, remember that this plant has some characteristics. Kalina reduces pressure , increases sweating and can trigger the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys.