How to cure a throat for 1 day?

At the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory disease, every woman tries to take emergency medical measures urgently, because she does not want to be ill, and there is no time. In such situations, effective ways will be useful, how to cure a throat for 1 day, especially if the next morning you need to go to work or have to perform a lot of important household duties.

Is it real to cure a throat for one day?

Pain syndrome, which is described as perspiration, tingling and burning when swallowed, occurs due to inflammatory processes occurring in the mucous membranes. Their pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, fungi or bacteria. Of course, it is impossible to completely cope with the infection in a day, even with strong immunity. But to alleviate the symptoms of ARI and ARVI, to improve well-being and prevent the progression of the disease is quite realistic. The main thing - immediately begin therapy.

How quickly to cure a hoarse throat for 1 day?

To normalize the state, it is necessary to establish the cause of the hoarseness of the voice. If the hoarseness is due to overstrain of ligaments and spasm of blood vessels in the pharynx, it will be necessary:

  1. Full voice rest. It is advisable not to talk at all or to reduce conversations to a minimum.
  2. A plentiful warming drink. Calming herbal teas, sweet compotes and berry smoothies, milk with honey and butter (cream) will suit.
  3. Compliance with diet. Before the restoration of the voice will have to abandon any irritating (acidic, salty, sharp) dishes.
  4. Inhalations. Not bad help solutions based on herbs with essential oils - sage, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Well softens the mucous membranes of sea buckthorn oil, they can handle the back of the throat several times a day.

If hoarseness is a consequence of an infectious disease, additional therapeutic measures are required.

How to cure a sore throat for 1 day?

With severe symptoms of acute respiratory disease, acute respiratory viral infection or tonsillitis, it is better to visit an otolaryngologist, since these diseases can provoke dangerous complications. The doctor will determine the cause of the pain syndrome, and prescribe the appropriate course of therapy.

Here's how to cure a throat at home for 1 day, if it hurts:

  1. Warm drink. Decoctions of medicinal herbs, water at room temperature and ordinary tea with honey perfectly moisturize the mucous throats.
  2. Rinse every 1-2 hours. Any antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, Iodinol, Furacilin, salt or soda with water, hydrogen peroxide will do.
  3. Treatment of the throat with medical preparations. Depending on the cause of the pathology, you can lubricate the tonsils with Lugol's solution, irrigate it with medicinal sprays from the angina (Oracept, Geksoral) or natural herbal infusions.
  4. Inhalations. Doctors are advised to inhale vapors of alkaline solutions, for example, ordinary mineral water.

With purulent inflammatory processes, self-medication should not be dealt with. Such tonsillitis is fraught with damage to the heart, kidneys and lungs, it is better to consult a specialist who can identify the causative agent of infection and prescribe effective antiviral, antibacterial or antimycotic agents.

How to cure a red throat for 1 day?

Hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the pharynx is of various origins. When the cause of redness is mechanical irritation or overstrain of the throat, enough voice rest and warm drinking. If the problem arises in response to an infection, there is a risk of developing tonsillitis. In such situations it is important to consult an ENT doctor, and at home often gargle, do inhalations, use warm herbal teas.