Boric acid from acne

To date, to deal with such a common problem as acne , there are many different price categories. At the same time, there are simple medicines available to everyone, which are often components of such drugs. One of these drugs - boric acid, which helps get rid of acne.

General information about boric acid and its contraindications

Boric (orthoboric) acid is a substance with weak acid properties, which has no taste, smell and color. It is a scaly crystal, well soluble in water. In nature it occurs in the form of a mineral of sassolin. It is used in medicine as an antiseptic for diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, otitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.

Boric acid is toxic, prolonged inhalation of its fumes leads to poisoning the body, so it can not be used in the treatment of young children, pregnant women and people with impaired renal function. It is also not recommended to use boric acid on large areas of the skin, and it should be applied strictly by dosing, not more than twice a day.

The use of boric acid against acne

Boric acid is advisable to use for the treatment of acne of any severity associated with excessive sebum secretion and the development of pathogenic bacteria on the skin.

With problematic skin with acne, it is very important to cleanse and disinfect the skin in a timely manner. Boric acid perfectly fights with inflammatory processes on the skin, preventing the reproduction of bacteria and blocking the spread of infection to other areas of the skin. Due to the drying effect, boric acid promotes the disappearance of inflammation foci, as well as traces from them.

Boric acid from acne is used as a solution based on powder. The solution can be alcoholic or aqueous, and when applied from acne, a concentration of boric acid of 3% is recommended.

Use boric acid against acne in one of the following ways:

  1. Cotton swab dipped in alcohol solution of boric acid, wipe problem areas of the skin twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Wipe the inflammations with a cotton swab dipped in an aqueous solution of boric acid, which you can prepare yourself by dissolving a teaspoon of boric acid powder in a glass of boiled water; Also, this solution can be used to make lotions.

From purulent pimples you can prepare a chat with boric acid and levomitsetinom (antibiotic), which is often prescribed by dermatologists. To do this, mix the following components:

Stir the components thoroughly in a glass container. Apply to wipe the skin once a day in the evening (shake before use).

It is worth noting that when applying boric acid, there is often a drying of the skin, the appearance of peeling. To avoid this, use moisturizers. It should also be taken into account that at the beginning of the use of boric acid, a reverse reaction may occur - the amount of acne may increase slightly. However, after a few days of continuous use of this agent, the inflammatory processes will begin to fade, the skin will be cleansed.

Boric acid - side effects

The use of boric acid against acne should be urgently canceled if the following side effects occur: