Female womb

The female womb is a hollow, unpaired organ, inside which the fetus develops from the moment of conception to birth. It is located in the middle part of the cavity of the small pelvis, behind the bladder and in front of the rectum. In its form this organ resembles a pear.

What are the anatomical features of the structure of the uterus?

Today, perhaps, every girl knows what the womb looks like. In the structure of the female womb, the bottom, body and neck are distinguished. The bottom is the most convex part of the body, which smoothly passes into the body.

The body of the uterus has a conical shape and corresponds to the middle part of the organ. To the bottom the body of the uterus passes into the cervix. That part of the cervix that extends slightly into the vagina is called vaginal.

The female uterus has small dimensions and mass. Its length is, on average, 7-8 cm, and the weight can reach 30-50 g. At the same time, after birth, these parameters slightly increase. In pregnancy, due to the elasticity of the uterine walls, its dimensions can increase up to 30 cm in height, and up to 20 cm in width.

What diseases are most common in women, and how can they be detected in a timely manner?

Diseases of the female reproductive system are usually called gynecological, or female diseases of the uterus. Most often, the appendages and ovaries are affected.

In order to timely establish the presence of pathology and as soon as possible to see a doctor, every woman should know the so-called signs of gynecological diseases. Most of them occur immediately after infection ( endometritis , endometriosis ).

Most often, the main symptoms of gynecological diseases are:

In this case, in some cases, the nature and type of secretions can be diagnosed.

Prevention of gynecological diseases

In order to prevent the development of female (gynecological) diseases of the uterus, every girl must observe certain rules of hygiene, because she is not a doctor. otherwise it leads to the development of infectious diseases.

In addition, clinically proven that the trigger mechanism for the development of female diseases are stress, fatigue, violation of the daily routine. It is these factors that lead to hormonal failures, which in turn cause the development of pathology.