Puke-Ariki Library and Information Center

Puke Ariki is a huge new generation knowledge center located on the west coast of North Island in New Zealand, near the town of New Plymouth , which is the center of the Taranaki district.

The history of the information center

In 1840, the topographer of Plymouth, near the town of Na Mota on the west coast, selected the territory for the construction of a new city - New Plymouth. At the beginning of the next spring, the first English colonists arrived.

The first haven was Mount Puke Ariki, which in translation means "Hill of the Chiefs". On this mountain they built houses from improvised materials - cane and sedges, escaping from rodents, floods and attacks of Maori tribes. This place became memorable for the settlers, and in 1999 it was chosen for the construction of the museum, which later grew into a scientific and educational complex with the same name "Puke Ariki".

The construction lasted for several years, Puke Ariki was opened in 2003. It includes a museum, a library and an information tourist center. Such an association pursued a specific goal of preserving the identity and traditional cultural heritage of the Taranaki region. To achieve this goal, huge budgetary funds were allocated, more than $ 26 million was spent on the construction, formation and improvement of the Puke-Ariki structure.

Information complex of the new generation

Nowadays the museum is almost completely re-equipped, now it is a modern exhibition complex, a new generation of associations. At the exhibitions you can see a huge number of interesting exhibits: from fossils of various types to German tanks since the First World War.

Here, computer technologies of the 21st century are developed and used, due to which the number of visitors to the museum and the book depository, which contains, in particular, books of digital format, considerably increases. Guests have free, both real and virtual, access to exhibitions and publications. Popular programs are designed specifically for students and students.

The Puke Arica Center is recognized by New Zealand national awards for its creative approach to work, for regularly organized seminars, meetings, colloquiums, lectures and other educational activities.

Each visitor can get acquainted with the culture of Maori people, presented in materials and various subjects, which number more than 600 copies.

On the first floor of the information complex there is an interactive scientific center, from which children are always delighted. Animated interest in children is caused by models of blue whales and dinosaurs.

Information for tourists

After an interesting excursion you can visit the cafe and buy souvenirs.

For all visitors, admission is free, except when temporary exhibitions are held.

Walking along the coast in the vicinity of Puke Ariki, you can enjoy magnificent seascapes.