How to brew goji berries?

Goji berries are the elixir of youth, beauty and health from the other end of the world, the world of long-livers and thousands of years of tradition, the Himalayas. Goji are active antioxidants, have a tonic effect, normalize blood pressure, increase immunity. In addition, goji berries have a beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory system, the work of the kidneys and liver. They improve vision, lower the level of cholesterol and sugar. You, of course, think that such a multifaceted effect can not be achieved with the use of just one product. You simply do not know what kind of vitamins the goji has:


In connection with such a diverse composition, we must be cautious about how to use goji berries.

Berries can be used in dry form, as well as add to various dishes. Besides, on their basis it is possible to prepare and independent dishes - soups, tea, tinctures, etc.

Whichever cooking method you choose, you can not add sugar or salt to goji berries in any case - this will bring to nothing all the benefits.

If you decide to consume berries in dry form, limit 45 grams per day. The remaining dosage, see the recipes for cooking goji berries, because much depends on the form of release.


There are many different ways to brew goji berries. Let's consider some variants.

  1. 1 tbsp. Berries pour a glass of boiling water, cover and insist for 30 minutes. If desired, you can brew them in a thermos. Take a ready-made broth in 2-3 hours during the day.
  2. 15 g of goji and 1 tsp. black tea brew a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes. Use this tea is desirable every day, because it helps with high blood pressure, and lowers blood sugar.
  3. We take 5 goji berries, green tea , raisins, walnuts, dates, hawthorn, jojoba fruits. This is our tea, which should be poured 250 ml of boiling water and insist 20-30 minutes. This drink increases the immunity, gives strength.

Porridge with goji

As we have said, goji berries can not only be consumed in the form of tea, but also prepare independent dishes. Now we will tell you how to cook porridge for breakfast from goji berries.

Take the rice for one serving of cereal. It is advisable to give preference to brown rice, as well as rice basmati, because they are the only natural varieties of favorite cereals.

Also, take 5 g of goji berries, and mix together with dry cereal. They should be filled with cold water and kept one night for swelling.

Put the water to boil on the stove. We pour berries and rice into boiling water (before washing them under running water), cook until ready on a small fire under the lid.

Such porridge helps with visual impairment and tearing of the eyes.

Wine from Goji berries

Wine, although alcoholic drink, but still famous for its useful properties. You should take ½ liter of red dry wine of very good quality. Take 50 g of goji berries. Pour them into a bottle of wine and clog the lid. It will be a drink for special occasions. Insist Wine follows 60 days in a dark, cool place (otherwise the wine can sour). And then, at the end of the period, drink 100 ml daily, or leave for a festive drink.

This drink has useful properties and wines, and goji. So, it strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps under reduced pressure, improves blood formation, and, among other things, also acts as an aphrodisiac.

There are so many ways of making and applying goji. You can improvise, or follow our recommendations. The main rule, as we have already mentioned, is not adding sugar and salt to goji.