Chestnut honey - useful properties and contraindications

Chestnut honey has an original taste and aroma, but many consider it low-grade because of the small bitterness. All this is insignificant, given the chemical composition of chestnut honey . This product is used in folk recipes for external and internal use. It is important to note that it is impossible to heat such honey, since already at 40 degrees practically all useful substances are destroyed.

Useful properties and contra-indications of chestnut honey

Since ancient times, this sweet product is used as a bactericidal agent. Nectar of chestnut honey is a natural antibiotic. It is recommended to use it for the treatment of various skin diseases and wounds.

What else is useful chestnut honey:

  1. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it should be used if there are problems with the respiratory system. It is recommended for bronchial asthma, angina, etc.
  2. The composition includes a lot of iron, which is important for high-grade hemopoiesis and for energy metabolism.
  3. The benefit of chestnut honey lies in the ability to improve appetite . It should be used for digestive disorders, as it favorably affects the condition of the gastric mucosa and is well digested.
  4. Promotes normal hepatic work and cleansing of the gallbladder.
  5. The composition includes a lot of natural granulated sugar, which gets into the body, turns into energy, increasing efficiency. The properties of chestnut honey will be useful to people who often get tired or have weak immunity.
  6. Favorably affects the state of the nervous system, helping to cope with stress and other problems.
  7. Constant use positively affects the work of the heart and blood vessels, so it can be used for treatment, as well as in the quality of prevention. Chestnut honey helps make the vessels stronger and more elastic, and also it normalizes blood pressure and fights against atherosclerosis.
  8. Reduces the risk of cancer and even malignant tumors.

Chestnut honey can bring not only good, but also harm. In the first place, this product is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance. As for people with diabetes, they can use chestnut honey after consulting a doctor. You can not eat this sweet product in large quantities.