What should a child know in 4 years?

At the age of 4, the child has a huge amount of skills. All the information you give to your son or daughter is incredibly quickly absorbed. It is from this time it is necessary to gradually begin to prepare the baby for school, because at this age, all new knowledge will be given very easily. Including, modern teachers believe that in 4-5 years should introduce the child to the English alphabet and the first foreign words.

At the same time, before starting to learn crumbs with new skills, it is necessary to find out whether his knowledge in each area corresponds to the norms established for his age, and also to check the degree of formation of various mental processes. If you find "gaps" in certain areas, they should pay extra attention.

In this article we will tell you what a child should know in 4 years, and what it needs to be taught.

What should a child know 4-5 years?

In every sphere there is a certain knowledge that a child must have in 4 years. Consider the main ones:

  1. Attention. A four-year-old can easily repeat for an adult the sequence of any movements. Having a sample before his eyes, he is able to quickly assemble the same construction from the constructor, if its complexity is intended for this age. In addition, your child can already independently find differences and similarities between two objects or pictures. A lot of various items, he quickly sorts by color, shape or any other characteristics. Finally, almost all babies are happy to add small puzzles of 9-12 elements.
  2. Thinking. The kid at the age of 4-5 years elementary collects a pyramid from any number of rings and puts various figures in corresponding holes. Boys and girls are very fond of playing with words - pick up antonyms, synonyms, call a group of words a general term, find an extra word in each sequence and explain their choice. All children constantly ask questions and respond with pleasure to their parents' questions, if they already know the answer.
  3. Memory. The child in 4 years correctly fulfills the task of an adult, consisting of 3-4 consecutive teams. He is also able to read aloud a small rhyme, poteshku or riddle, describe the picture that he saw a few days ago.
  4. Self-service skills. The kid can dress and undress, wash and wipe hands on his own, and also go to the pot without a reminder.
  5. Fine motor skills. The crumb already knows how to use scissors and cut out the necessary part from the paper along the drawn contour, alternately show and bend each finger, easily thread the beads on the string, tie various knots, and also button buttons, zippers or hooks. Also, he can draw vertical, horizontal or inclined straight lines of the required size and connect any number of points without lifting the handle from a sheet of paper.
  6. Logics. The child understands the terms "left", "right", "above" and "below", etc. At the request of parents, he can raise his right or left hand, and also say what objects are on both sides of him.
  7. Speech. At the age of 4, the baby already speaks well any sounds. The exception can be sonorous and hissing. Your child correctly uses prepositions and conjunctions in speech, and also coordinates any words with the help of cases, numbers and times.

In addition, the crumb already knows his name, and also names his surname and patronymic, his age and the city in which he lives. The kid is able to explain what the seasons differ from each other, to name a few famous animals, birds, trees, fruits and vegetables. A child in 4 years is very fond of telling about what he already knows, and embellish their stories.

What to read to a child in 4 years - list of literature

To ensure that your child is properly and comprehensively developed, be sure to give him a little time and read the following books: