What is useful for the ark?

With the statement that vegetable food brings the body much benefit, hardly anyone will want to argue. With the onset of summer, many try to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and herbs to stock up with useful substances. Fortunately, today on the shelves you can find fresh greens all year round, and even the one that is not so actively grown with us. So, recently, the popularity of rucola has increased considerably, and not for nothing - this salad grass has a pleasant taste and contains useful substances in large quantities.

Rukola as a source of vitamins and mineral compounds

The taste of spicy rukola has beneficial properties because it has a high nutritional value. It is a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning of the body.

  1. Ascorbic acid , contained in this plant, prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the cells of our body, and in addition, it restores damage in the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, use of ruku is recommended for people suffering from hypertension or thrombophlebitis.
  2. Since the whole spectrum of vitamins of group B contains fresh greens, rukola has useful properties for the hemopoietic system. Its regular use contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin. In this regard, this herb is very useful for people with anemia.
  3. Tocopherol or vitamin E , which is also present in the rucola, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and in addition it helps to normalize the hormonal background and menstrual cycle in women.
  4. Rukola is the source of vitamin A , which makes the skin smooth, and gives the hair a healthy shine. In addition, retinol provides normal growth of bones and the functioning of the immune system, so the rucola grass should be present in the children's menu.
  5. The greenery of this plant contains iodine , necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. So for the prevention of hypothyroidism, dishes with rukolah makes sense to eat regularly.

However, this is not all, how useful is the ark. Its high nutritional value is combined with low calorie content - 100 grams of grass contains no more than 30 calories. At the same time, the greens are very rich in fiber , so the salad and other dishes with it perfectly satiate. Dietary fibers, which are not completely digested, are an excellent nutrient medium for the growth of their own normal microflora and contribute to the purification of the digestive system. To some extent, this plant helps to fight excess weight, because it has a pleasant taste, perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and promotes the acceleration of metabolism. Therefore, the handle for weight loss is used very widely.

From the seeds of the plant, oil is prepared, which can be used as a cosmetic and as a food product. People who have diabetes mellitus are most often recommended to add arugula oil to dishes, it is also possible to use it for weight loss. It contains almost all the same vitamins and elements as grass, but in higher concentrations. In addition, like all vegetable oils, arugula oil is the source essential fatty acids, normalizing cholesterol metabolism. The use of this oil helps to stabilize the level of insulin, and it is "insulinic jumps" that cause hunger and, as a result, excess weight.

Useful properties of rucola and contraindications

Almost no prohibitions to eat this salad grass. Some people have intolerance to arthritis, which is an allergic reaction, in which case it should be abandoned. With caution, people who prone to the formation of kidney stones need to eat the hands. And, of course, do not forget that most of all good will bring fresh rukola, in which all useful substances have been preserved.