Caviar from red fishes for the winter - recipes

Long since the Russian cuisine was famous for recipes for cooking mushroom snacks. Mushrooms were salted, dried, marinated.

Red caviar does not require special additions in the form of spices and seasonings, as these mushrooms have unique taste properties. This feature allows you to quickly and simply, using the usual ingredients, prepare a mushroom spawn, which not only diversifies the daily menu, but also serves as a perfect winter preparation. Recipes of roe roe for the winter, which we will discuss further, reveal various ways of preparing this modern dish.

How to make roe caviar for the winter

For this preparation, the appearance of the fungi is not so important, since the mushroom mass is crushed. However, when preparing roe roe for the winter, it is better to use large mushrooms with a thick leg for a more juicy snack. To increase the shelf life of caviar, you need to use vegetable oil and vinegar, and by lining the bottom of the dishes with horseradish and cloves of garlic you can get a sharp and fragrant dish.



Clean and rinse the mushrooms in cold running water. Prepared mushrooms dip into salted boiling water, reduce heat and cook for half an hour until cooked. In a heated frying pan fry the chopped onions for a couple of minutes, and add the cooked mushrooms. Cook the fried mixture for about a quarter of an hour, then scroll in a meat grinder and season with vinegar. At the bottom of the sterile container lay the leaves of horseradish and garlic, fill the container with mushroom caviar and pour the remaining vegetable oil. Roll the workpiece with a sterile lid and store it in the cold until the winter season.

Red caviar for winter - simple recipe



Peeled and thoroughly washed mushrooms, pour salted water and boil after boiling for several minutes. Change the water and cook in clean, salt water for a quarter of an hour. Cut the onion into large rings and fry in oil until it is clear, then add the mushrooms. Stir the mixture on fire for a while, grind it in a meat grinder and return it to the pan for a few more minutes. Pour the vinegar into the prepared caviar and place on sterile dishes.

Recipe for mushroom salmon roe for winter

Using a few simple ingredients - pickled traditional mushrooms and onions - you can cook a delicious roe of caviar for the winter. This harvesting will please not only at the festive table, but also in daily use as a soup refueling.



We wash in cold water salted mushrooms, saving them from excess salt and leave to dry. Fry the diced onions, combine the ingredients in a blender and grind them. Ready-made caviar does not need heat treatment and is immediately served on the table or laid out on sterile jars for storage.

Red caviar with carrots for the winter



Peeled and washed mushrooms boil in a brine consisting of salted water and citric acid for half an hour, removing the foam. Shred the carrots and onion until half cooked and place in a deep saucepan. Finished mushrooms chop in a meat grinder and add to the vegetables. Season the caviar with pepper and send it to bake for two hours at a temperature of 200 degrees. Cook the caviar in sterile jars, and fill with vegetable oil. Keep the workpiece in a cool place.